Create new dashboard –> choose to edit it -> get a warning. What does the warning mean?


I’d like to create a customised dashboard on my Home Assistant, but when I’m adding the dashboard, I get the following warning message:

This dashboard is currently being maintained by Home Assistant. It is automatically updated when new entities or dashboard components become available. If you take control, this dashboard will no longer be automatically updated. You can always create a new dashboard in configuration to play around with. Are you sure you want to take control of your user interface?

I did a search to find information about the warning, and found three discussion threads, but the discussions were at the IT engineer level, so I try to find more simple answers here. The first thing I’d like to understand better about the warning is the following:

If you take control, this dashboard will no longer be automatically updated.

What would I actually lose? Can I still get new entities and components (according to the glossary components are now called integrations) easily to my new, edited dashboard, just not automatically, or can I get them, but the process of adding them is difficult (for example involving editing some obscure files)? Would there be some other downsides? Is there even a reason why one would create a new dashboard without the intention of editing it?

You can always create a new dashboard in configuration to play around with.

That part I don’t understand at all. I thought that that’s what I’m just trying to do: create a new dashboard in configuration. What does that sentence refer to if not to that?

Are you sure you want to take control of your user interface?

The warning message makes me feel more like I’m about to lose control of my user interface :slightly_smiling_face:.

To end with, Home Assistant seems like a great piece of software. Big thanks to the developers and other contributors! After the initial frustration and struggle (PC installation, container, Ledvance WiFi lights, Tuya Integration, obscure scripts – pretty much a nightmare for a non-techie) it seems like Home Assistant is what I’m going to control my lights with in the future. If I had one wish, it would be that installing Home Assistant to PC would be made easier, for example without needing to use a container. It would be nice to be able to install it like any normal piece of software.

An empty dashboard is automatically filled by Home Assistant. Once you start editing it, you determine what is in the dashboard, not Home assistant. Home Assistant will no longer automatically add or remove entities. You will need to do it yourself.

That is all the warning says, and it is the whole point of dashboards you edit manually. If you ever want an autogenerated dashboard again, you can always create another empty dashboard. That dashboard will then me managed by Home Assistant. In short, you lose nothing, you gain control of this particular dashboard.

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That was a quick answer :slight_smile:. This thing looks pretty clear to me now after reading your explanation. I have one small question left regarding your answer:

If you ever want an autogenerated dashboard again, you can always create another empty dashboard.

I take that you use “empty dashboard” as a synonym to “new dashboard”, as at least for me a new dashboard is pretty populated from the start with all kind of cards. I’m pretty sure that’s what you mean, but I just want to make the thread as clear as possible for any future seeker of information.

Auto generated dashboards is mainly for new people with just several entities created - just to show what a dashboard could be.

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Any dashboard were you delete the configuration of it will become a home assistant controlled dashboard again and automatically filled with cards.
I essence you can always return to the home assistant controlled dashboard.

If you ever get to that point, then just ask for a guide to do it.
It is easy, but once you tried to make your own dashboard you will probably never be satisfied with the home assistant controlled one.

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