Hello all,
So I have a sensor “daylight” which holds the number of hours of daylight (based on sunrise/sunset).
What I am looking to do is create an automation that will trigger when the number of hours change; i.e - when I hit 8 hours of daylight, do something. I am assuming the best way to go about this is to create a new sensor that holds just the hours from my daylight sensor (which holds something like 7:32).
I am guessing this can be done with a template sensor but I cannot figure out how
January 19, 2022, 8:02am
No need for another sensor. Just use a numeric state trigger.
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.your_daylight_hours_sensor_here
above: 7.99
OR if you mean the sensor has an attribute that holds the daylight hours:
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.your_sensor_here
attribute: daylight_hours # or whatever the attribute is called
above: 7.99
Right, but will that work if the original sensor holds “7:32” (and not 7.32) … the 7:32 is a string i suppose
January 19, 2022, 8:37am
Ah, I see.
You can use a value template in the numeric state trigger:
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.your_daylight_hours_sensor_here
value_template: "{{ state.attributes.value.split(':')[0]|float(0) + state.attributes.value.split(':')[1]|float(0)/60 }}"
above: 7.99
Or if you expect to use this decimalised hours value in more places than just this trigger you can create a template sensor.
- sensor:
- name: Daylight Hours
icon: mdi:sun
unit_of_measurement: "h"
state: >
{% set timesplit = states('sensor.your_daylight_time_sensor_here').split(':') %}
{{ (timesplit[0]|float(0) + timesplit[1]|float(0)/60)|round(2, default = 'none') }}
Sweet. That works! Thanks.
January 19, 2022, 8:49am
Did you use the numeric state trigger or the template sensor?
Because I made a copy/paste error in the template sensor. I have corrected it.
it was:
timesplit[0]|float(0) + timesplit[0]|float(1)/60
But should have been:
timesplit[0]|float(0) + timesplit[1]|float(0)/60