Create temporary timers with voice

One of the features I use voice assistants the most is setting timers (especially when cooking). I would appreciate it if I could create temp timers on home assistant using my voice (or other input btw, the voice thing was just my trigger).

I envision a time when I can use my recently bought Atom m5 echo or something similar to set a timer and cast the time left to my home hub or TV for example.

I use my home hub a lot for this quick timers but since I’m in a non english speaking country and the home hub only works in english so having the option of doing it on HA would be awesome :slight_smile:

I moved your post to the Feature Requests category. Don’t forget to vote for your own request.


Yes. I would like the feature to also be able to reply what the remaing timer(s) are

After reading the release notes, I am thinking setting a timer could be doable with the template wildcard (can’t remember the name, on mobile)

The automation would need to be able to translate different inputs into seconds. when I have time I’ll try this

That’s actually a great idea to try. I would still prefer a full fledged timer feature. My automation are already a bit crowded ahahha (I also voted for automation groups)

yeah for sure. Like many features i use; i hope someone makes a blueprint for it :slight_smile:

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I agree, this alone would let me retire my Echo.

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I don’t know, this feature would be cause so much waste. Think of all the Echo’s that would be replaced overnight.

(there’s a joke in some groups that the only thing Echo’s are actually used for is playing music and creating timers)

Set a timer using HA Assist - #6 by DeLorean < this seems to work! I’ll try when I have some time to fiddle with this but this set timet function should be on standard sentences for Assist!

Now that we also have wake word, we are coming to a place where this will be fully possible!