Create timer with Hue remote

I want to use a Hue Dimmer Switch to start a timer. Is this possible?

Or - if this is not possible - I could purchase a Fibaro button? Can that do the trick?

I need 4 timers and one device.

What do you mean by timer? Doing something a fer a fixed amount of time like turning off the lights?

A kitchen timer I created for brewing tea:

    duration: "00:02:30"

When it finishes it flashes the lights:

- alias: Timerstop
  id: Timerstop
  - id: lawngreen
    platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
      entity_id: timer.green_tea
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.hue_iris
      brightness: 255
      color_name: '{{ }}'
      flash: long

Instead of pressing an entity on my phone I want a button on my kitchen counter.

My dimmer is paired with my Hue gateway v1 and with some add-on that I can’t remember (but I can find it if needed) gives me an entity

Here I can see that the event was button three release (dim down).
If you pair it with a normal zigbee stick then I’m fairly sure you can get the same-ish thing from the events.

I see, connect it with a zigbee stick might give me a switch entity. Currently (connected to the HUE bridge) they only show the battery sensor. Option 2 is purchase a Z-Wave button (because I already have a Z-Wave stick).


If you have the hue bridge then use this:

It will give you a sensor with the latest button push

Found and installed it. Is there a manual somewhere? I’m sort of stuck on the automation code.

Do you have a sensor that shows the button presses now? And it works?

I have a sensor, but can’t find whether it is connected to the right remote, and where I can see the button presses. When I added the event sensor I gave it the same name as the remote in the Hue app, is that the right way to do it?

Not sure, it was more than a year since I set it up.
But what happens when you press the remote, does the state change on the sensor?

Not sure. In history I see it has had a bad_state for days.