Create variable Variables name

Hello I want to ask if its possible to create a variable in a automation that have a variable name. In my example I try to create a variable name from the first variable and add it in the second. At the end wohnzimmer_var should contain huhu.

alias: vartest
description: ""
trigger: []
condition: []
  - variables:
      varname: Wohnzimmer
  - variables:
      "{{ varname }}_var": huhu
  - service: notify.mobile_app_handy
      message: "{{ varname_var }}"
mode: single


I do something a bit like this for controlling my thermostat. Won’t work copy/paste because it’s missing some vars, but you should get the idea. It generates a string for the variable that has the desired current temperature, then uses that for the value for the service.

- service: climate.set_temperature
    entity_id: climate.house_thermostat
    temperature: >
      {% set entity = 'input_number.hvac_' + mode + '_' + states('input_select.home_state').lower() + '_' + tod %}
      {{ states(entity)|int + (states('input_number.hvac_temp_boost')|int(0)) }}