Create zigbee network backup from read-only VM image

I recently had some files corrupted on my hassos VM, so it no longer boots properly. I unfortunately never made any backups, but I can mount the image in read-only mode and copy files from there. While setting up the new VM and configuring zigbee I got the option of providing a backup file for the network: “Restore your network settings from an uploaded backup JSON file. You can download one from a different ZHA installation from Network Settings, or use a Zigbee2MQTT coordinator_backup.json file.”

Where in the file system can I find this, or how can I manually re-create it? Similarly, can I restore plugins and entities from the file system by just copying files? Which subdirectories should I copy?

Did you resolve this issue? I am facing the same problem except mine. I just bought the combo stick for zwave and zigbee and I am stuck with the same message.

Solved!. I added the integration again and worked fine!