Created a new app to tell me when to leave based on calendar event

So I have a scenario where I need to be somewhere at a specific time and I decided today to throw this scenario at GPT to help me construct an app to send me a notification based on my current location to tell me that I need to leave at whatever time it tells me in order to reach my destination on time.
So I add this code to the apps.yaml

  module: calendar_travel_notifier
  class: CalendarTravelNotifier
  device_tracker: ""
  calendar_entity: "calendar.calendar_entity"
  notification_device: "notification_device"
  event_name: "Event Name From the Calendar Event"
  arrival_mode: "end" #Do you want to be notified at the start or the end of the event
  notification_offset_hours: 3

The fun part

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import datetime
import requests

class CalendarTravelNotifier(hass.Hass):
    def initialize(self):
        # Retrieve inputs from apps.yaml
        self.api_key = self.args.get("api_key")
        self.device_tracker = self.args.get("device_tracker")
        self.calendar_entity = self.args.get("calendar_entity")
        self.notification_device = self.args.get("notification_device")
        self.event_name = self.args.get("event_name")
        self.arrival_mode = self.args.get("arrival_mode", "end")  # Options: "start" or "end"
        self.notification_offset_hours = self.args.get("notification_offset_hours", 3)
        # Store the notification states to avoid duplicate alerts for both start and end times
        self.notification_sent_start = False
        self.notification_sent_end = False
        # Schedule the check_event method to run every 15 minutes
        self.run_every(self.check_event, self.datetime(), 60 * 15)

        # Validate inputs
        if not all([self.api_key, self.device_tracker, self.calendar_entity, self.notification_device, self.event_name]):
            self.error("Missing required configuration parameters. Check apps.yaml.")

        # Run the check every 5 minutes
        self.run_every(self.check_event, self.datetime() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5), 300)
        self.log("CalendarTravelNotifier automation initialized")

    def check_event(self, kwargs):
        event_time_start, event_location_start = self.get_calendar_event_time_and_location(self.event_name, "start")
        event_time_end, event_location_end = self.get_calendar_event_time_and_location(self.event_name, "end")

        if event_time_start is None or event_time_end is None:
            self.log("No matching event found in the calendar.")

        # Determine the notify time based on arrival_mode
        if self.arrival_mode == "start":
            notify_time = event_time_start - datetime.timedelta(hours=self.notification_offset_hours)
            destination = event_location_start
            notify_time = event_time_end - datetime.timedelta(hours=self.notification_offset_hours)
            destination = event_location_end

        # Only proceed if we have a valid destination (location)
        if destination is None:
            self.log(f"Event '{self.event_name}' found, but no location specified.")

        # Get current time
        now = self.datetime()

        # Check if it's time to notify about leaving
        if now >= notify_time:
            if self.arrival_mode == "start" and not self.notification_sent_start:
                self.send_notification("start", event_time_start, destination)
                self.notification_sent_start = True
            elif self.arrival_mode == "end" and not self.notification_sent_end:
                self.send_notification("end", event_time_end, destination)
                self.notification_sent_end = True

        # Reset the notification flags after the event has ended
        if now >= event_time_end:
            self.log("Event has ended. Resetting notification flags.")
            self.notification_sent_start = False  # Ready for next start notification
            self.notification_sent_end = False  # Ready for next end notification

    def get_calendar_event_time_and_location(self, event_name, mode):
        """Fetch the start or end time and location of a calendar event."""
        calendar_state = self.get_state(self.calendar_entity, attribute="all")
        if not calendar_state:
            self.log(f"Calendar entity {self.calendar_entity} returned no data.", level="ERROR")
            return None, None

        attributes = calendar_state.get("attributes", {})
        message = attributes.get("message", "")
        if not message:
            self.log(f"No 'message' attribute found for calendar entity {self.calendar_entity}.", level="WARNING")
            return None, None

        # Check if the message matches the event name
        if event_name.lower() in message.lower():
            if mode == "start" and "start_time" in attributes:
                event_time = self.parse_datetime(attributes["start_time"])
                event_location = attributes.get("location", None)
                return event_time, event_location
            elif mode == "end" and "end_time" in attributes:
                event_time = self.parse_datetime(attributes["end_time"])
                event_location = attributes.get("location", None)
                return event_time, event_location
        self.log(f"Event '{event_name}' not found in the 'message' attribute.", level="INFO")
        return None, None

    def send_notification(self, event_type, event_time, destination):
        """Calculate the travel time and send a notification."""
        # Get current location (assumes you have a device tracker with 'latitude' and 'longitude' attributes)
        latitude = self.get_state(self.device_tracker, attribute="latitude")
        longitude = self.get_state(self.device_tracker, attribute="longitude")
        if latitude is None or longitude is None:
            self.log("Current location (latitude/longitude) not found.")

        departure_time = self.calculate_departure_time(latitude, longitude, destination, event_time)
        if departure_time:
            # Send a notification to your mobile device
            message = (
                f"Leave by {departure_time.strftime('%I:%M %p')} to reach '{destination}' "
                f"by {event_time.strftime('%I:%M %p')}."
                title="Travel Notification",
            self.log(f"Notification sent: {message}")
            self.log("Unable to calculate travel time.")

    def calculate_departure_time(self, lat, lon, destination, event_time):
        """Calculate the departure time using Google Maps Distance Matrix API."""
        url = ""
        params = {
            "origins": f"{lat},{lon}",
            "destinations": destination,
            "departure_time": "now",
            "traffic_model": "best_guess",
            "key": self.api_key,
        response = requests.get(url, params=params)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            data = response.json()
            travel_time_seconds = data["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["duration_in_traffic"]["value"]
            travel_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=travel_time_seconds)
            departure_time = event_time - travel_time
            return departure_time
            self.log(f"Error in Distance Matrix API: {response.text}")
            return None

I know that HA has an integration already for working with google maps but that does a poll every 5 mins of course unless you create an automation to only do it when you tell it to do so.
But I didn’t really want an entity for how long it will take me to get there. The fun thing is that if this is a recurring event like it is in my case then it will just automatically fire off at the start/end of my event.
For my usecase its for picking up/dropping off my kids with their Mom and since I have a 2+ hour drive to where we exchange at, I wanted to make sure that wherever I’m at on that day I get notified with the current drive time.

Edit had to fix the attributes for the device tracker. That was my bad

1 Like

Hey this sounds so much fun and something i am curious to try ! tell me more …

Howdy @paxton_786

What else would you like to know? So for me I have 2 entries in the apps.yml one for the start of the event and then another one for when the event ends. This way I get 2 notifications.
It will just query your current location based off of whatever device tracker that you you’re using so long as that device tracker has GPS capabilities. Then it will call the Google Maps API for destination and calculate the trip time so that it can then return back to you what time it is that you need to leave at. The Travel Time integration that is already present in HA is great for having a static set departure zone but since I might be out and about that won’t work for me. I live out in the country so sometimes we’re in town doing something or maybe at an event somewhere and I might be over an hour away from my house, so knowing the travel time from my house won’t work in that scenario.