Created a ZHA Groups but where is the HA entity for it?

I am trying to migrate from deconz+conbee to zha+sonoff. I am starting small, I have moved, one lamp, one switch. I have put the lamp in a ZHA group.

There appears to be no entity in Home assistant for the ZHA group, is this expected behaviour? What is the point in ZHA groups otherwise?

ZHA groups page

List of entity by the integration

I have tried restarting the integration and home assistant

Ok seems to be a strange issue when the group has 1 device. After adding a second device the group entity appears. It didn’t behave correctly at first but after a restart it is looking better

This caught me out, I added an issue to allow zha groups with 1 member. Not sure of the reason it requires at least 2.

You’ve posted about this three times in the space of about half an hour. In doing so, you’ve resurrected a thread that’s more than a year old. Please don’t.