I don’t need any input selectors in the frontend nor do I need different radio stations.
I just want to use voice input for setting up the alarm.
Here is my first approach but that one is missing a few things: Set up a radio alarm timer with IFTTT
How can I accomplish it?
Maybe not the right place to post this… But I will try anyway
I need some help with the creation of a car heater function (Living in Sweden) and winter is coming
I have an outside temp sensor and a switch to connect to the heater in my car.
If the temperature is < 10 i want the heater to start 30 minutes before the actual time to leave.
If the temperature is < 0 i want the heater to start 60 minutes before the actual time to leave.
If the temperature is < -10 i want the heater to start 90 minutes before the actual time to leave.
I also want the heater to run for 30 min after the actual time to leave (if I am late).
It would also be great if it could be started/stopped manually.
I have searched the forum for this, but with no luck…
This is way off my skills, so I trust in you guys
You must create differents automations, depending on the conditions that you want.
Maybe create new topic ask for help.
Yes I created a new topic in the forum. Thanks for the advice
Hi @seriksson,
Can you put the link, just to read, understant what you want and try to help you.
… to change country?
Creating sunrise alarm clock…
My goal is to have “sunrise” alarm clocks using smart led bulbs for all 6 of us in my family. So, there’s a lot of variables involved - different lights at different times on different days. And, eventually the reverse where some lights get gradually dimmer at night (for the younger kids)
When I first looked into smart lights I looked into MiLights and really liked what the guy in this link did:
He made a function (script? automation?) for the the gradual light increase, then he calls it at set times using Cron. However in my case I would need to pass a parameter of which light I was referring too.
I decided not to go the MiLight route because I didn’t like the four zone limit, which brought me to Home Assistant.
I think from reading this page I can figure out how to assign the times & days. But is it possible to create something (script? automation? effect?) to contain how to do the sunrise effect then call it at a specific time and pass a parameter of which light?
Ok, so it looks like maybe I can do this with a Python script?
how can I achieve this?
I’m trying to update to use input_datetime instead, but last night my sunrise alarm went off at midnight so needs a little more work!
I have tried to follow your instructions how to create the alarmclock but it looks different. I have removed the input_booleans.
How can I get everything combined and also not showing the badge and not showing “automations” and "input number)?
Put them in a group.
i have done that in my group yaml. They are just shown under the same tab in the frontend and the sensor is shown as a badge.
name: Exterior light
view: true
- automation.udvendig_lys_on_hverdage
- sensor.udv_lys_time
- input_number.udv_lys_hour
- input_number.udv_lys_minutes
Should be
view: no
Or remove the view line completely.
I erased the “view” line and now it looks fine in the frontend
However I would like this look on its own tab in the top of the frontend,
So create a group that is a view, and put the group you just created in it
I guess it is not possible to remove it from the home tab and only have it shown on its own tab?