Creating a sensor on specific google calendar event


I would like to create a sensor giving me the date & time of the next event cotaining a specific string in its description from Google Calendar.
I guess there is something to do with templating, but the only event I see is the next one, while the one I am looking for might be 10 events further.
Is there any way to do that? (I remember having created dedicated calendars in google_calendar.yaml for a simiar purpose, but that doesn’t seem the way to do it anymore)


You can search this forum for the ical sensor.
You can create a sensor for each incoming events.
Then it is a matter of filtering them like, not full code:

{% for i in range(0, 15) %}
  {% if is_state('sensor.ical_something_event_' ~ (i|string), 'unavailable') %}
    {# Something is wrong with the sensor, ignore #}
  {% elif state_attr('sensor.ical_something_event_' ~ (i|string), "summary") == 'specific string' %}
     {# do something with the event, it is one of them! #}
  {% endif %} 
{% endfor %}

Thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately, I am looking through someone else’s shared calendar for which I don’t have the iCal url