I have my own website, with a database of info and I would like to get some data from this database into home assistant.
My ultimate goal would be to have multiple sensors. EG:
Entity: sensor.mywebsite_total_posts
State: 265
Filter Attributes:
friendly_name: Total Post Count
icon: mdi:web
Entity: sensor.mywebsite_subscriber_count
State: 200
Filter Attributes:
friendly_name: Total Subscribers
icon: mdi:web
I am a web developer, so on the web side of things, I can produce anything I want. JSON, a text page or anything else. I can even create a cron to ping home assistant with info.
I am stuck on the home assistant side. I am new to it all, and just need to understand it’s possibilities. Does it retrieve the data? Do I ping it with data? Do I just get it to read the database directly? I just have no idea.
If anyone can point me in the right direction here, that would be awesome.