Creating a Sensor with Data from External Website

I have my own website, with a database of info and I would like to get some data from this database into home assistant.

My ultimate goal would be to have multiple sensors. EG:
Entity: sensor.mywebsite_total_posts
State: 265
Filter Attributes:
friendly_name: Total Post Count
icon: mdi:web

Entity: sensor.mywebsite_subscriber_count
State: 200
Filter Attributes:
friendly_name: Total Subscribers
icon: mdi:web

I am a web developer, so on the web side of things, I can produce anything I want. JSON, a text page or anything else. I can even create a cron to ping home assistant with info.

I am stuck on the home assistant side. I am new to it all, and just need to understand it’s possibilities. Does it retrieve the data? Do I ping it with data? Do I just get it to read the database directly? I just have no idea.

If anyone can point me in the right direction here, that would be awesome.

restful sensor and peel out the json info.

Thank you. It looks good.
I am setting it up now to test. Thank you for the quick reply.

Ok. That was really easy. Thanks @petro
I got it all up and running in no time.

Just a question, how often does it update? Can I set the time? I can’t see that as an option.

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Use scan_interval to set the refresh frequency:

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