Creating a snapshot is not possible right now because the system is in freeze state

I’ve never had this problem before until today. I’m thinking this may be because earlier today I installed Frigate and I’m wondering if the Backup is trying to copy some media clips, or something related to Frigate.


I am having the same issue. Fresh new install and getting ‘system is in startup state’. However in my case it got fixed by restarting core [running core-2021.10.6].
Seems however that every time that I need to run a backup task I need to make sure to restart core otherwise it keeps reporting that the system is in startup state.
A bit frustrating!

I am now stuck in this state as well… have restarted HA, have powered down and restarted the host and nothing seems to have resolved the issue. System info below…

It does appear that an automation can request and create a backup, just can’t do it from the front end.

System Health

version: core-2021.11.3
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
dev: false
hassio: true
docker: true
user: root
virtualenv: false
python_version: 3.9.7
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.10.17-v8
arch: aarch64
timezone: America/Chicago

GitHub API: ok
Github API Calls Remaining: 4682
Installed Version: 1.17.2
Stage: running
Available Repositories: 912
Installed Repositories: 12

host_os: Home Assistant OS 6.6
update_channel: stable
supervisor_version: supervisor-2021.10.8
docker_version: 20.10.8
disk_total: 228.5 GB
disk_used: 5.8 GB
healthy: true
supported: true
board: rpi4-64
supervisor_api: ok
version_api: ok
installed_addons: Samba share (9.5.1), ArgonOne Active Cooling (24.1), Backup Hassio to Google Drive (1.7.2), Check Home Assistant configuration (3.9.0), DHCP server (1.2), Dropbox Sync (1.3.0), Duck DNS (1.14.0), File editor (5.3.3), Glances (0.14.0), Log Viewer (0.12.1), Mosquitto broker (6.0.1), Network UPS Tools (0.9.0), Node-RED (10.1.0), Portainer (2.0.0), RPC Shutdown (2.2), SSH & Web Terminal (9.1.0), Samba Backup (5.0.0), TasmoAdmin (0.16.0), WireGuard (0.6.0), HassOS I2C Configurator (0.13), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.105.2)

dashboards: 1
resources: 5
views: 15
mode: storage
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I’ve had, the same issue, either it displayed Freeze state, or startup state, I’ve restarted HA, the VM (because it’s a Proxmoxx install ) didn’t help. Then I simply refreshed(F5) the Browser and voila, It’s a miracle, and the life is good once again.

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The point is that backup creation is running in the background and you just have to wait to finish. Even if you restart, i guess that HA either job runs again or continues from where it was cut off at restart. Since database is also included in backup creation it can take as long as one hour to complete. And database file is easy 2GB or more.
Since i moved my main database to Synology mariaDB my backup creations are very small and very quickly finished, while before they took ages…
I think main “problem” is that nowhere in HA is indicated in any way that backup is in fact running in the background. Only thing you can notice is occasional log entry of something “being finished”.

OMG - it was that simple for me as well. Crazy, thanks so much.

Thank you very much, man! Refresh - F5 - it is works for me.

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Same problem. No resolution posted in this thread. Running core-2022.2.2
Cannot update devices (names / areas).

Having the same issue. Made backups pointless and will now be starting over from scratch unless anyone has any ideas?
Ive rebooted, the VM and Host machine, verify connetivity. Still same error


here is my solution : :wink:

1-Install “auto_backup” from jcwillox
With this integration you can easely manage the “exclude” part of addon and folder (like /media and /usbstorage for me :wink: )
2-in the UI, integration, add “Auto Backup” integration, you will then have a “sensor.auto_backup”
3-Create a binary_sensor template:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Auto Backup Template"
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('sensor.auto_backup', '0') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.auto_backup', '1') %}
          {% endif %} 

4-install “custom-cards”

5-create a custom_cards button: like this one with your binary_sensor.auto_backup_template: blink-animation

type: custom:button-card
color_type: card
entity: binary_sensor.auto_backup_template
name: Backup
  - value: 'on'
    color: red
    icon: mdi:alert
    name: Backup in progress
        - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
  - operator: default
    color: green
    icon: mdi:backup-restore
    name: No Backup in progress

and then you will know when your system is backing up :wink:


same issue :frowning:

Maybe its because of the size from Frigate and Influx DB ?
My Proxmox VM Turn OFF if i start a Backup (and never start again, i have to start it manual).

I think the same. Frigate or influxDB /media go big. Idk l

F5 worked for me too

I do have the same error when manually starting a new backup.
“Creating a backup is not possible right now because the system is in freeze state.”
and no F5 does not fix it for me :frowning:

had this also yesterday at version 2023.8.4 then i just decided to update to 9.2 without backup, which fixed the problem. maybe not so professional solution, but hey…

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I got the same Problem since updating to 9.2. I currently disabled my daily Backup. Doing it manually works fine. If the backup gets triggered automatically, then the esxi never finishes the Snapshot and I need to restart the whole host, to make HA react again.

I’ve just started hitting the same problem.

Does anyone know of an official solution to this, there doesn’t seem to be a response from dev’s (I know they are busy) on anything it is just experimentation, with somethings working for some and not others etc. Would be good if I could find an official response on this as they know the system better than anyone.

yup same issue right now


Hi Guys this is a freeze system due to ongoing backup not yet completed. Restart will not change it, just wait the end of the backup