Creating a User, not a Person in a fresh install


i’m running a fresh install of HA on a X86 machine and so far so good.
But in my old instance i have “users” that are not persons, for example for my MQTT broker. But in the fresh install i can only create persons, and I dont want my MQTT broker to be a person, just a user is fine.

What am i missing here, in the old version of HA you could just create user via the UI (and on my old install that is still running i can also just add more users via the UI, but since there are no “users” yet on my new instance i dont see the users tab and cant create new users)

Thanks guys, and thanks Edwin_D!

You have to turn on advanced mode, to do this click on your name in the bottem left and there you see i slide toggle to set advanced mode for your account. (only possible for admin accounts)

Users should be at the top of the Settings → People page. And you would have had to create at least one user during onboarding.

So since i did not create a user during the on boarding/installation i cannot create a user now?

that’s lame :dotted_line_face:

That’s not possible.

And yes you can:

That tab is not available if you don’t already have a user, I have it on my old install, but not on the fresh install

Ha, that’s a new one! :open_mouth: :laughing:

How did you do the install without creating a user?

Just followed the gui, and i did create a person, and i would guess a user is coupled to that, but maby the user interface only shows up when you have dedicated users already?

You need to turn on advanced features in your profile.


:+1: Great info, thanks!

Ugh. Why is that still a thing?