Creating an automation with the GUI

For poops and giggles I’m trying to create an automaton using the HA GUI. The goal of the automation is to send a notification anytime my thermostat has its HVAC mode changed. So I created a trigger with the GUI to do just that. Here is the YAML that was generated:

platform: device
device_id: 8d7662a4b4cb44a8aa674085061f1c61
domain: climate
entity_id: climate.living_room
type: hvac_mode_changed

And when I save I’m getting this error:

Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘to’]

If I change the trigger type to almost anything else, such as fan turned off the error goes away. Any suggestions?

Any solution to this?
For my testing, it seems that you need to add the ‘to’ mode field in the YAML editor, like:

platform: device
device_id: 8d7662a4b4cb44a8aa674085061f1c61
domain: climate
entity_id: climate.living_room
type: hvac_mode_changed
to: cool

But this defeats a little my purpose to have a single automation with the new hvac state notified to my phone. I can do it now by creating 1 automation per hvac mode I suppose.

Or you can use multiple triggers.

Good point! Can I get then the current HVAC mode to display it in my notification message?