Hi guys,
First time posting as I thought I might be able to figure this on my own, but failed miserably
I have Gove RGBICWW lights that have effects; I want to be able to change the “effect” using a dropdown input select box that has it’s values dynamically generated from the “effect_list”
I can use the following to get the list of effects in Template:
{{state_attr("light.lounge_lighting", "effect_list") | list }}
which outputs the following list:
['', 'Action', 'Action-A', 'Action-B', 'Action-C', 'Action-D', 'Adventure Game', 'Adventure Game-A', 'Adventure Game-B', 'Afternoon', 'Atlantis', 'Aurora', 'Aurora-A', 'Aurora-B', 'Awaken', 'Ballet', 'Ballet-A', 'Ballet-B', 'Birthday', 'Breaking', 'Breaking-A', 'Breaking-B', 'Breathe', 'Business', 'Candlelight',...]
The bit where it falls down is where I attempt to generate the input_select control in config.yaml:
name: Current Lounge Ambience
- {{state_attr(“light.lounge_lighting”, “effect_list”) | list }}
…its a bust.
…but I’m also thinking it can’t be hard to populate a list with dynamic data, right…
Hope I’ve explained myself right… any help would be MUCH appreciated (doing my head in!)