I could really use some help here. Is there a best practice for creating your own blueprint, and then testing it and editing and updating it. Everything I try is beyond painful.
I have created a blueprint using Studio Code Server, following instructions from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxxxZ9Vci3I&t=320s
My blueprint is in config/blueprints/automation/jmc-blueprints. I can see the blueprint in my blueprints tab and when I click on create automation, the automation creates and works fine.
So far so good.
Now I want to make an edit to the file to use the time delay input in the seconds field instead of the minutes field. I edit it into the SCS blueprint yaml file. I can’t find anyway to get my existing automation based on the blueprint to update. If i create a new automation from the blueprint it gets the change, but how do I get the existing automation to change? When I search the web I see how to do it with blueprints I have imported, but with one I have created it talks about a refresh button, but I don’t see it anywhere.
Sometimes after changing the blueprint file and trying to create a new automation from the blueprint, it tells me the automation is unavailable, restarting SCS seems to fix that but this is all really messy.