Tried for hours now, and started to feel really stupid, so I hope someone can shed up some light on my problem…
Big Picture:
I’m trying to mute my sonos when snips detects the hotword. As my snips siteId is the same as my sonos media_players name I want to have one automation for all my rooms.
The siteId is delivered in the payload and can be etxracted (trigger.payload_json.siteId). Then I want to dynamicaly create the object.
That works in the condition, it works in the service to lower the volume, but it is just not working where I want to save it to a variable via the custom component hass_variables. Instead of the current volume, the string is beeing saved.
The automations work great when using static values e.g.
This is what i got so far:
Automation to save the actual volume level, and lower the volume
- alias: Mute Sonos when SNIPS hotword detected
id: mute_sonos_on_snips
- platform: mqtt
topic: hermes/hotword/default/detected
condition: template
value_template: "{{ is_state('media_player.' ~trigger.payload_json.siteId, 'playing') }}"
#Problem start
- service: variable.set_variable
variable: tmp_sonos_volume
value_template: "{{'states.media_player.' ~ trigger.payload_json.siteId ~ '.attributes.volume_level' }}"
#Problem end
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: "media_player.{{trigger.payload_json.siteId}}"
volume_level: '0.05'
a second automation is setting the volume back when snips goes inactive again…
I’ve also tried among others:
{% set where = my_test_json.siteId %}
{% set front = 'states.media_player' %}
{% set back = 'attributes.volume_level' %}
{% set value = states.media_player.arbeitszimmer.attributes.volume_level %}
{% set final = [front,where,back]|join(".") %}
value is working, but hardcoded result: 0.05
final is a string and not the object and its volume setting result : states.media_player.arbeitszimmer.attributes.volume_level
value_template: "{{ states('media_player.' ~ trigger.payload_json.siteId ~ '.attributes.volume_level') }}"
gives me this error:
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Invalid service data for media_player.volume_set: expected float for dictionary value @ data['volume_level']. Got 'unknown'
so I added the conversion to float
value_template: "{{ states('media_player.' ~ trigger.payload_json.siteId ~ '.attributes.volume_level') |float}}"
value_template: "{{ states('media_player.' + trigger.payload_json.siteId + '.attributes.volume_level') | float }}"
which results in 0.0
instead of the current volume of the object…