Creation of CONSUMPTION entity without adding probe

Good night
I’ve got:

  • Entity 1, “Solar Panel Production”, (Shelly-EM Probe 1).
  • Entity 2, “I export Commercial Network (value -)/Import Commercial Network (Value +)”, (Probe 2 of Shelly-EM).
    Production Solar Panels + (-Export to Commercial Network) = CONSUMPTION
    Production Solar Panels + (+Import of Commercial Network) = CONSUMPTION
    How do I generate Entity 3, with the sum of the value of Probe 1 + Probe 2, without buying another Shelly-EM

Example: 33.0W + 241.2W = ?
? = Entity to INVENT = 274.2 W

Thank you very much and greetings from

Green, Yellow or Red (+): What I IMPORT or what I consume from the Commercial Network
Blue (-): What I EXPORT or what I sell to the Commercial Network

Por si fuera de ayuda:
Buenas Noches

  • Entidad 1, “Produccion Placas Solares”, (Sonda 1 de Shelly-EM).
  • Entidad 2, “Exporto Red Comercial (valor -)/Importo Red Comercial (Valor +)”, (Sonda 2 de Shelly-EM).
    Produccion Placas Solares + (-Exporto a Red Comercial) = CONSUMO
    Produccion Placas Solares + (+Importo de Red Comercial) = CONSUMO
    Como genero la Entidad 3, con la suma del valor de la Sonda 1 + Sonda 2, sin comprar otro Shelly-EM

Ejemplo: 33,0 W + 241,2 W = ¿?
¿? = Entidad a INVENTAR = 274,2 W

Muchas gracias y saludos de


Creamos la ENTIDAD de Consumo TOTAL en KWh de la casa

platform: template
friendly_name: “Watios consumo total CASA”
unit_of_measurement: KWh
value_template: "{{ ( states(‘sensor.watios_frigorificos_y_hornos_energy’)|float + ( states(‘sensor.watios_totales_energy_returned’))|float ) | round(1) }}”