CTA Bus Tracker Sensor

First off, this is a well documented api and Im sure someone with programming experience could easily pull this info into a nice component for Home Assistant. I have basically 0 programming skills so this method works for me.

Second, thanks to @ludeeus for help in getting the value template nailed down.

Last thing before we get started, if you are a CTA ‘L’ rider, there is a train API also, Im sure this can be adapted to track train arrival times rather easily.

The API and requesting an API key

The API is documented at https://www.transitchicago.com/developers/bustracker/. Follow the instructions on that page to request an API key which should come via e-mail pretty quickly.

There is a limit of 10,000 api calls a day so be cautious of how often you update, especially when creating multiple sensors. The example below is setup to call every 60 seconds. (60 seconds is 60 times an hour and 1440 times a day for example)

Assemble your route and stop ID

I am assuming you know the route you want to track if you are interested in using this. To find your stop ID, go to http://www.ctabustracker.com/bustime/eta/eta.jsp.

If you fill in the route, direction and stop, the stop ID will populate in the upper right hand corner. (Stop 77 in the example below.

Setting Up the Rest Sensor in Home Assistant

The Home Assistant Rest sensor documentation is located at: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.rest/

Put the following under the sensor: section of your configuration. In the resource URL example below:
key is the API key you received via email.
rt is the route you are looking to monitor.
stpid is the stop ID you pulled above.

You can paste this URL into a browser and view what is returned. Some buses will have multiple listings, others may have none or only 1. If nothing is returned, the sensor will show unknown. An example api response is here: https://pastebin.com/EVMMEBW1

  - platform: rest
    resource: http://ctabustracker.com/bustime/api/v2/getpredictions?key=supersecretapikey&rt=151&stpid=77&format=json
    name: 151First
    scan_interval: 60
    value_template: "{{ value_json['bustime-response']['prd'][0]['prdctdn'] }}"

  - platform: rest
    resource: http://ctabustracker.com/bustime/api/v2/getpredictions?key=supersecretapikey&rt=151&stpid=77&format=json
    name: 151Second
    scan_interval: 60
    value_template: "{{ value_json['bustime-response']['prd'][1]['prdctdn'] }}"

As always with new sensor, save the file, check your config and restart home assistant.

Displaying the sensors

Using the example sensors above, you should have two new sensors. sensor.151first and sensor.151second which are the first and second bus to arrive at the stop specified.

Adding them into lovelace can be done as follows:

      - type: entities
        title: Adam's & Wabash Bus Times
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: sensor.151first
            name: First 151 Bus
            icon: mdi:bus-clock
          - entity: sensor.151second
            name: Second 151 Bus
            icon: mdi:bus-clock

Which returns a card which looks like this:


Go Automate it!

I don’t normally ride the bus as I prefer the walk. However, if you regularly ride the bus an automation could easily be setup to send you future bus times at the time you normally leave work. I would be interested in seeing automation anyone comes up with so post them up.

If I add automations for this ill add them to my Github repo which is here:

This forum often locks the first post after a few responses so I may not be able to add them here.


Ludeeus created a custom component based on the api I was pulling data from. I have switched to this component. If you are tracking multiple buses the custom component should save some api calls.

I have tested it over the past week, found a few bugs which were promptly fixed and now it runs error free.


In an effort to be nice to a free API I was looking at only polling the data when I needed it. I generally only need the data when leaving work, so about 23 hours of the day and all weekends the data isn’t used.

Step one: Update the scan_interval to something long scan_interval: 43200 which is 12 hours.

Step two:

Add an automation to update the sensors when the switch is toggled on.

  - alias: 'Update Route 151'
    initial_state: false
      platform: time_pattern
      minutes: '/1'
      - service: homeassistant.update_entity
        entity_id: sensor.151first
      - service: homeassistant.update_entity
        entity_id: sensor.151second

The result is a ‘switch’ that I can turn on to pull data when I need it. If one had a regular schedule it could be turned on/off with another automation to automatically start the data refresh but only when its needed.


Here is the setup for the lovelace config:

title: Stats & Data
  - type: entities
    title: Adam's & Wabash Bus Times
    show_header_toggle: false
      - type: section
        label: Route 151
      - entity: automation.update_route_151
        name: Update?
        icon: mdi:update
      - entity: sensor.151first
        name: First
        icon: mdi:bus-clock
      - entity: sensor.151second
        name: Second
        icon: mdi:bus-clock
      - type: section
        label: Route 126
      - entity: automation.update_route_126
        name: Update?
        icon: mdi:update
      - entity: sensor.126first
        name: First
        icon: mdi:bus-clock
      - entity: sensor.126second
        name: Second
        icon: mdi:bus-clock

This is cool—thanks for sharing. I am setting up something for the train, inspired by this post. I see that the JSON response has the coordinates of the oncoming trains, so one could put them on a map rather easily. I might do that, too.

@silvrr thanks. It works great…

While trying to get this to work, I tried using HACS Custom repositories to add custom-components/sensor.ctabustracker and got this error…

<Integration custom-components/sensor.ctabustracker> Repository has been requested to be removed.

Is this accurate? Does the CTA Bus Tracker custom component no longer work?

If it should still be working, then would anyone be able to help me figure out why I keep getting this error when I check the configuration in developer tools…

Configuration warnings
Platform error sensor.ctabustracker - Integration 'ctabustracker' not found.

You don’t need the Rest Sensor when using the custom component, correct?
I added /ctabustracker/sensor.py to /custom_components/ and added the example sensor from the github page (updated with my info). What could I be doing wrong? :thinking:

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