CTC GSi Heat pump modbus connection

This solution assumes there is a display/control unit. However, I have an EcoPart 400, which I control manually on/off using an esp32, so there is no display to connect to.

However the manual for connecting displays (i.e. EcoLogic) says they should be connected using Liycy-cable to ports G51-53.

Could it be possible to connect the esp directly to those instead of to a display? Or does the display do some “translation” of protocals between the pump and display?


I also have a GSi 12, but it’s not working out of the box. Would you be so kind to tell me what you have changed, so that it will work with the GSI 12?

did you get this to work so you can share your esp code?
Do you have the display with 2 or 3 ports?

Yes, I got it working! Been working well for about a year now.

I noticed that the registers in the pdfs does not fully match so I spent some time to try and figure out the settings/data I want.
I think I have two ports in the panel, the indoor unit is from ~2016