I have a CTEK Chargestorm EV-charger, The unit can send MQTT to a broker. Can this be integrated as a new intergration? I have recieved information from the manufacturer:
Supported services
Currently, the following services are supported:
• EnergyMeter & status reports using MQTT
Energy Meter & status reports using MQTT
This was added in the CCU FW r3.11.15.1 and r3.12.6.
The following configuration keys can be set:
Automation/MqttEnabled Boolean, set to true to enable the service.
Automation/MqttServer The address / IP address of the MQTT broker. An empty string
will use the internal MQTT broker on the Charging Station itself.
Automation/MqttLogin Login / username for the MQTT broker, if necessary. Otherwise,
leave empty.
Automation/MqttPassword Password for the MQTT broker, if necessary. Otherwise, leave
Automation/MqttBaseTopic Base topic to be use. If empty, CTEK will be used.
The topics described below, assumes that [Automation/MqttBaseTopic is empty, thus
they’re starting with CTEK. Thereafter, the identity of the charging station comes, denoted by
CBID in the topics
Energy Meter data
The following topics includet energy meter readings, according to the JSON structure below:
Listing 1: Energy meter readings.
1 {
2 " current ":[1.5889999866485596,0.8399999737739563,3.7209999561309814],
3 " energy ":20218145,
4 " frequency ": 50,
5 " power ":1337.5999755859375,
6 " timestamp “:” 2021 -04 -09 T09 :09:47 Z",
7 " voltage ":[237.60000610351562,233.89999389648438,235.80000305175781]
8 }
The data are taken from the energy meter and should, apart from possible rounding errors
correspond to the meter readings.
Some fields can be missing, if the energy meter doesn’t support them, or the data can be
reported as nan or null.
Energy meter information
The following topics includes general information about the energy meter:
CTEK/CBID/mainMeter/meterinfo Currently not being sent, but will likely be added in
the future.
Listing 2: General information from the energy meter.
1 {
2 " serialno ": " xxxxxxx "
3 }
EVSE status information
The following topics has status informations from the EVSE(s):
Listing 3: EVSE information and status.
1 {
2 " assigned ":16,
3 " state “:” NCRQ ",
4 " timestamp “:” 2021 -04 -09 T09 :09:47 Z"
5 }
Assigned is the current assigned to the EV by the charging station.
The state is a four letter code:
AVAL Available, no EV connected.
PAUS Pause, the charging station doesn’t allow charging.
EVRD EV is ready.
CHRG Charging is on-going.
FLTY Faulty, something is wrong.
DSBL Disabled.
CONN EV is connected, waiting for authentication.
NCRQ No charging is requested by EV.
AUTH Authenticated, waiting for EV to be connected.
INVL Invalid, something is wrong.
GONE The EV has disappeared.
DONE The charging session is finished.
SUHT Temporary state while going to pause.
STHT Temporary state while stopping the charging session.