Cubo AI baby monitor integration

Does anyone know of a way to integrate Cubo AI baby monitor into HA?

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I was hoping for the same thing.

A TCP port scan of the device shows that port 8091 is open:

$ sudo nmap -p 1-65535
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-02-18 22:53 AWST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.032s latency).
Not shown: 65534 closed ports
8091/tcp open  jamlink
MAC Address: 20:32:33:DE:12:AF (Shenzhen Bilian Electronicltd)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 25.43 seconds

Internet said that could be Couchbase, I tried the Couchbase CLI client to no avail.

Probably a reasonable starting point would be to try and get between the phone app and the device and capture those packets to see what it talks- but my guess is something proprietary (though I suppose it could be something UDP rather than TCP).

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Anyone have any luck on this? I’m searching also. Thanks.

Nothing here…

I am watching this thread too!!

I’m also interested in this.
I had a long conversation with Cubo support explaining how awesome HA is, how many people use it, how it’s secure and how it would help their customers etc etc. I was told all the information will be passed to their dev team for consideration.
This was probably early Jan 22. So fingers crossed but I’m not holding my breath!
At this rate, our baby will grow up and there will be no need :rofl:

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I have managed to makeshift my own integration by having the Home Assistant android app check for any push notifications from the Cubo AI app on both my wife’s and my phones and depending on the notification I get, I can get it to turn on my heater/cooler if the temp goes to low or to high in the room and I have also set it to cast an alert to my google minis if the baby’s face is covered


A great workaround, I’ve been trying to get this working using an automation but can’t seem to have the automation capture the correct attribute to trigger. Is Android.text the correct attribute? What did you use the create this?

The switch node is just picking up the msg.payload from the last_notification sensors and depending on the text of the notification, it will go out of the switch and do my desired action.

Another thing I did was to set the “Allow List” under the Sensor settings in the app to just monitor “”, this way the sensor only monitors notifications coming from the Cubo app.

There are a few flaws in my setup and that is the “poll state” node cycles every 3 seconds, so this will cause the whole thing to repeat and blast out my message to the google minis every 3 seconds.
I kind of liked this so I left it as is. Because of this my alert will continue to repeat untill a new notification from the Cubo app is produced, giving the all clear, which can be dificult to produce making it hard to stop the alerts. So I added a kill switch which I can toggle on/off from a widget on my phone.


Ah - you’re using node-red. Will have that a go instead of using the native automation functionality. Thanks for sharing.

I was just testing this after seeing this thread, it seems like you can use the “state” node and it will only output with a new notification rather then relying on the poll state. I just had to make sure I disabled the “Current state equals previous state” checkbox in case I don’t get a different notification between seperate cries.

Great Idea @Dean2706, I have never used the Companion App notification triggers before, this should be great for some other automation. Thanks!

hey man, do you mind sharing this node red integration please??

any updates this to this??

I have got this working outside of nodered by using the same filtered notification for cubo ai in the Android companion app, and 2 automations with a template condition that looks for the term “back in crib” vs “out of crib”

When the notification changes, the automation will then set a input_boolean to on for the in crib vs off for our of crib.

Here is the automation for in crib. (In phone so sorry for bad format)

alias: Cubo AI Notification - In crib helper
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.sm_p610_last_notification
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{'back in crib' in states('sensor.sm_p610_last_notification')}}"
  - service: input_boolean.toggle
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.cubo_ai_in_crib

There are some more automations I trigger of this input boolean like the timer in my dashboard below


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This is probably not really related to this but has anyone noticed now that you can view the Cubbo camera feed directly within the google home app. Not sure if this has been there previously but wander if there is a way to get the feed into Home Assistant somehow?

Yeah seen that, I haven’t found a way to view the camera directly within HA but I have an automation within HA trigger to stream the camera to Google nest hub. Here what you need to do for anyone interested:

  1. Create a helper toggle in HA
  2. Expose the toggle from HA to google home
  3. Setup a routine within Google home app for when the helper toggle is turned on with the custom action to "stream [insert name of your cam] on [insert name of nest hub]. Be sure to select the same nest hub under the audio option on bottom left otherwise it doesn’t work.
  4. Set the automation trigger to whatever you like

Just bought a Cubo for the impending baby, bit disappointed to see it’s not supported in HA (without workarounds). Any news on functions not derived from android messages?

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Yeah unfortunately they are not responding to me when I’ve asked if they have an API for developers to allow third party integrations. I’ve asked multiple times and had no response.

Really nice workarounds! I think it’ll be impossible to tap into the camera feed as it’s all encrypted and goes to their servers. Great baby monitor, we’ve had it for almost 4 years now.

I just raised a ticket and their video chip doesn’t provide a smooth experience.

Lucky you even got a response, I chased them up recently and still haven’t heard back.

It would really be nice to get the video stream locally and events from their API. I find their app is a bit flaky at times but it is one of the best baby monitors out there I think.

I’m going to try and monitor network traffic when I get a chance one day, and figure out what endpoints are being called. Pretty sure they are pushing up data to AWS Kinesis, I’ve seen DNS requests to this on Pi-Hole.