Curious about connecting pc audio to alexas?

hey all, i have recently been thinking of trying to set up some kind of system to tunnel my pc audio through an Alexa device if presence is sensed in that room, I’m wondering if such a thing is even possible?

my idea is

  • have a layout of buttons to toggle which rooms can and cant be activated (eg if someone is in the living room (not me) then i wont toggle that room as i dont want to disturb them when the presence sensor detects them)

  • select which rooms i want to have audio sent to through the buttons (bedroom, kitchen and workshop for example)

  • whenever the presence sensor detects me in the room then it send the pc audio automatically to the Alexa device in said room

again I’m not sure if this is even possible and i dont have a great idea of how exactly i would go about doing it i just wanted to ask incase anyone has advice

any help is appreciated