Current best option for local IP camera

Hey all,

I’ve just been burned by buying a Xiomi Mijia wireless camera that doesn’t appear to be firmware hackable - it’s useless to me as it seems to want to send location data to China. Big no-no.

I thought I was getting the version that could be modded, but it’s the most recent one that can’t be

Has anyone got any current (May 2020) links to products on ali-baba that will work without hardware modification and can be set up to work purely on local-network?


The Hookup has done a few videos on the best IP cameras available from Amazon.

There’s more (including 4k and DVR systems) on his channel.

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Dafang is the one:

Bought 2 of that link, end of Feb and end of March. Both running with bootloader for FullHD rtsp. They are okish as ‘extra cams’ inside. Don’t expect a trouble free ride. For the serious stuff you better don’t go lower than the standard set in the video’s posted above.

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Thanks all - the video pointed me toward this:

Which I’ve ordered and applied a 20% discount on, for some reason.

The use case for the camera is that it’s going to live in the garage and watch over my motorcycles. If nothing else it will provide some evidence for insurance in the case someone breaks in.

I’m a rental tenant, so I can’t drill holes for PoE, annoyingly.

I’ll let everyone know how I get on with it, but it seems there are guides out there.