Current Homeassistant Weather forecast integrations not accurate enough for Germany. Can you integrate

Not too happy about any of the weather forecast integrations currently available in homeassistant. None of them uses the weatherstations that are nearest to me so their predictions are often a couple of hours/degrees off. Even the german one (I’m from there) only has weatherstations for a handful of cities and that’s it. I wish homeassistant would use data from They got a whole lot of stations. I see some code for it on github. Perhaps the devs can implement it?

(I’ve seen expensive ($$$) home weather stations from Neatmo. I suppose they can predict weather but I wouldn’t use one of these.)

I think doesn’t has an api for now.
I googled for this and only found one of their pages saying its not available right now.

Also the code from your link is nearly 7 years old.

I use Darksky for now and the prediction for my location is nearly the same as on

I have created an integration for here_weather because of this. When it gets merged you could give it a try. I had good results for my location in Germany.

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DarkSky got acquired by Apple. Existing users can use their account until the end of 2021 but you can’t register as a new user

@eifinger That’s cool but what do I even enter into “<app_code>”?
In the “get your credentials”-page of here_weather there’s a bunch of options.
I tried getting credentials for “Javascript”, it gives you an APP ID which you’re supposed to enter into the configuration as well as an API key which I put into <app_code>
That one didn’t work, the same didn’t work with “Rest”. Rest also had an option to creat an OAuth 2.0 JSON web token which I tried to replace <app_code> with as well, still no success.
The other options are for android or iOS so I suppose I shouldn’t use them.
How do I have to do it?
btw I checked if I formatted it correctly. I’m getting a sensor.here_weather integration not found error and not a formatting error

edit: You said “when it gets merged” which seems to mean that I can’t use it yet (somehow just read over it and didn’t think about what it means.) I thought I could just use it because there was already a config.yaml example on the github page but now I’m seeing a homeassistant reviewer said your code needs some changes before it can be integrated into an official build of homeassistant.

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I just found this:

Regarding brightsky, it uses the DWD (Deutscher Wetter Dienst) data which is already integrated into homeassistant but that one only had ~16 (if I recall correctly) of weather stations so it’s only accurate for certain large cities and not local enough like’s who have a station in our neighbour city.

I’ve seen that you can actually request a forecast of your city on the weather_here website (XxXx)
from my observation of the last few days the sensor isn’t all that accurate for the small village I live in (Bassenheim near Koblenz in Rheinland-Pfalz)
For example it says that it’s 27° right now while it’s actually 29,5-30°(measured with my local sensor). (I put the local sensor 1,5m above ground, not into a spot directly hit by sunlight but at a place close to it)
As usual relatively close forecast is provided by with 29°.

openweathermap (owm) is the most inaccurate with 26,7° and a forecast only every 3 hours. (I think I’ve seen being less accurate than owm before as well though)
buienradar 27,5°

Darksky (Apple) 27°
AccuWeather (Smartthings) 28° with a felt temperature of 29° (I think there might be others for smartthings too)

Thinking about buying my own weatherstation. Feels like such a waste though. I mean if just 1 person within a couple of miles near you had a station and provided his data online you wouldn’t need loads of people spending 100+€ on it and wasting earths’ resources.

Give a try:

You just need to install the integration manual from GitHub - briis/weatherbit: The weatherbit integration adds support for the web service as a source for meteorological data for your location. or you use HACS.

Then you need to register at for a free plan to get a API-Key.

Compare Cologne now - upper one the the standard, the lower one is very close:

Actual measured:

Regarding brightsky, it uses the DWD (Deutscher Wetter Dienst) data which is already integrated into homeassistant but that one only had ~16 (if I recall correctly) of weather stations

How do i access those 16 big weather stations in HA? I only got the default data from ?

I cannot find weatherbit in HACS and the manual method didn’t work neither.Where did it go ?
Is this stlll working with current HA versions ?

I’ve tested this and I could download the component with HACS without a problem.

Thanks for your reply.

I do have a full Hass OS install on a RPi.My add-on store looks different.It comes with HACS already configured.If i want to add a repository, i need an URL.

Or do i have a misconception here and need to install HACS separately ?

I managed to install HACS now.Was not aware that this is needed.Weatherbit is working now as well.Thanks !