I am a little bit confused about the several power production and usage sensors in my Home Assistant system. Maybe someon would like to explain me some things?
I have DSMR integration configured for reading my power usage and other energy things.
I have also solarpanels and in Home Assistant I have added the Envoy integration.
In the DSMR entities I have the sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption which shows me the current power usage. When solar panels have an overproduction, this entity shows 0 kW.
The Envoy integration has the sensor.envoy_122306020244_current_power_consumption which gives me also a powerconsumption value.
When I have a solar overproduction, this entity still shows me a value, but this value is completely different than the current_power_production sensor of the Envoy integration (I believe always lower). What value is shown by this sensor?
I have some questions:
The current total power produced by my solar panels minus the current total power used by my house (lights, dishwasher, etc…) is the current total power which will be returned/delivered to the grid.
Am I right with the next things:
The current_power_production of the Envoy integration is the power produced at the moment by all the solar panels.
The sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption shows me the current power usage by my house, minus the produced solar power. If the produced solar power is a higher number than the power usage of my house, the sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption shows 0 (zero) en will never go to a minus value.
Maybe I can put my question this way:
Where can I best find the values of:
- The current total amount of power produced by the solar panels
- The current total amount of power, consumed by all the electrical devices in my house
- The current total amount of power, delivered/returned to the grid
I someone can explain me a few things.