Current sensor - bi-directional - how to do calculations syntax

I have a D1 Mini running ESPHome
Connected, I have a ADS115 ADC and to that an ACS712.
This working fine and I read approx. 2.5v with no current.

The ACS712 is a bi-directional current sensor

Therefore at 0 amps it reads 2.5V
It produces 0.1V per amp up and down from 2.5V

I am really struggling to work out the way to describe the formulas to return the correct value.
The calculation is not hard but I am struggling with the syntax

I have tried this with the template editor but failed

What I am hoping to get is “current 1” = the current ( like 1.2A, or -10.6A, etc )

I would appreciate some help with the syntax or if there is a better way to do this.

Here is what I have done so far


  • platform: template
    scan interval: 1
    friendly_name: “current 1”
    value_template: >-
    {% if states(‘sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd’)|float < 2.5 %} # for negative current
    {% (2.5 - x) * (-10.0) %}
    {% elif states(‘sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd’)|float > 2.5 %} # for positive current
    {% (x - 2.5) * (10.0) %}
    {% elif states(‘sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd’)|float == 2.5 %} # for zero current
    {% (2.5 - x) * (0.0) %}
    {% endif %}

This should do it:

value_template: "{{ states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd')|float - 2.5 }}"

2.5v - 2.5 = 0
2.6v - 2.5 = 0.1
2.4v - 2.5 = -0.1

Also add:

unit_of_measurement: 'A'

So you can graph it.

err… you can only measure down to -2.5A. -10.6A is way out of range.

So your template should also multiply by 10 to give -25A to +25A

value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd') | float - 2.5) * 10 }}
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Right. No more answers from me tonight. I’m clearly having issues comprehending topics.

Hello mutt and tom

Thank you for your help

Here is the finished code and it works well

Note: due to offset errors with the ACS712 I will need to make some adjustments but the code works

I appreciate your help. Andy

# current sensors
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "current 1"
        value_template: >-
         {% if states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd')|float < 2.5 %}
           {{ ((2.5 - (states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd') | float )) * -10) | round(2) }}
         {% elif states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd') | float > 2.5 %}
           {{ (((states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd') | float - 2.5)) * 10) | round(2) }}
         {% elif states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd') | float == 2.5 %}
           {{ (((states('sensor.ads1115_channel_a0_gnd') | float - 2.5)) * 0) | round(2) }}
         {% endif %}