Current Status

Does this mean I need to set this up for every zone? Is there a global setting?

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I personally haven’t tested this but supposedly you can do "zone.*" (must use double quotes) and it should apply to all zones.

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I have defined the track_ios: true for the home zone but the app still locks up when I hit the enable location tracking.

Not sure why that’s happening yet, will figure it out shortly. Don’t plan to fix it in the version that Apple is currently reviewing, but it will get fixed before going to the store.

Just submitted the video to Apple after they got back to me describing exactly what they wanted. I submitted the responses to the questions yesterday. Now, we wait…


Excellent news!!!

Seems Apple has approved the app :blush:
Just installed it and testing.
@robbiet480 When I try to change the device name, keyboard doesn’t let me see the text input where name is been writed.
EDIT: Reinstalled app and location/notifications are just working

Just downloaded the app from App Store and it still locks up when I select enable notifications.

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I noticed the same issue with changing the device name (the field is hidden behind the keyboard). Also, when I try to tap on the Location setup, the app freezes.

Other than that, it seems to be working. Nice job and congrats on getting it through the App Store approval process!

Yes sorry congratulations on all your hard work on getting it to the App Store.


For the location activation freeze, did you enabled the track_ios: true at your home zone? I got it working after added that key to my zone.home customization. Also, after HA restart, try to wait around 1-2 minutes after reboot to let the server “settle” with the iOS config.

Yes added that before I installed the app.

Hi all, I guess the documentation needs updating ( as there is no instruction on enabling the iOSApp service? I have installed the iOS app and restarted HASS a couple of times but not seeing notify.iOSApp in my services

We were planning on announcing this tomorrow as an Easter surprise but seems cat is out of the bag… You just couldn’t contain yourselves, like children on Christmas night tearing into their presents! :’( </mostly-sarcasm>

1.0.1 has already been submitted to Apple with quite a few fixes, including for location and notification permission issues. I expect them to accept it tomorrow or Monday mid-day at the latest. I asked for an expedited review so I could have it live tomorrow for the real announcement, but there’s no guarantee of them actually expediting, especially on Easter.

It’s been a fun ride everyone with plenty more road to go. I wrote a blog post that will be published tomorrow morning with my thoughts on the experience that I invite you all to read then.



Thanks for all your hard work Robbie - and thanks for making it open source too!

I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’d love to see some more info about the server-side notification - I know you’ve put some high-level architecture info in the docs (i.e. but I’d love to find out more - especially given the range of rich notifications that are supported.

Installed it. I noticed a few issues. One makes it anti WAF.

  1. It seems if you rename the device ID in the app to what I was using for phones, it no long works with location and the other additional features.

  2. You can’t set a default screen.

Anyway, can’t wait to try some of the fixes and see what else I can do with it tomorrow.

Maybe someone can give us the bare bones of what you need to do?

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@robbiet480 The 1.0.1 update has been released/approved, but I get disconnections on every page/view change, and have to enter password again every time
EDIT: This is the error I get on the log
17-04-16 19:31:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 140692084112296: Message incorrectly formatted: expected str for dictionary value @ data['api_password']. Got XXXXXX ( The XXX are my pass for http_config)

The battery status senor tha came with the new iOS app is stuck at 64% and want change. It says it have been updated a couple of minutes ago but now change in the %

Awesome Robbie thanks a lot, downloading now