Curtain icon and device class created using ESPHome

I may be going mad, but I cant seem to get the device class - curtain to work. I have built my own DIY shades which work perfectly, the icons update to indicate when the shade is open or shut and it appears as the correct device type on my dashboards.

I have recently started making DIY curtain openers and I can see there is a usable device class of curtain, however when I use it (which should update the icons and how it appears in the front end) it doesnt show any differences to that of the shade. The icon defaults to Hass:blinds-open. I even stripped away all the complexities of controlling the motor and just had the cover template in the code and it still just shows as a default shade. If I switch it to Garage it updates the image to a garage door. However for curtains there doesnt seem to be any default customisations within the Lovelace UI for the cover type. Am I doing this wrong? Is there a way to show curtains as icons in the front end that simply illustrate when the curtain is open and shut just like it works for shades?

I have updated a screenshot of my front end (as a card) as well as it listed under the entity view. The snapshot of my 5 lines of code in esphome is pasted below too.

  - platform: template
    device_class: curtain
    name: "Lounge Curtain"
    id: lounge_curtain