Curtain slider is opposite

Hi everyone.
I have several electric curtains and their switches are based on Tuya.
For some reason the slider of each curtain is opposite than the real state.
Means, while the curtain is open the HA show it as closed and vice versa.
Can anyone help me to solve that ?


I use the following setup:
Home Assistant OS 7.6


If there is no setting in the curtain device itself, you may just have to create a Template Cover for each curtain where you flip the open and close commands, and the percentage position (depending on whether you believe 100% should mean ‘open’ or ‘closed’).

I’ve had to do this for all my Tuya/Zigbee covers, so I ended up renaming the original entity with a ‘_hidden’ suffix, and use the templated version of the cover in scripts, automations and the frontend.