Does anyone have the Curv radiator valves working with HA? Is there an integration?
I see on the box it says they are powered by Tuya but I can’t find anything at all about Curv itself.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Have you managed anything yet? I got a couple at an auction very cheaply and was hoping to connect them but so far with a quick try nothing’s worked. I don’t have their gateway and I don’t want it!
I wonder if it might be possible to flash them with ESPhome?
No, I thought they might be ZigBee but the Curv branded TRVs look all to be 868MHz so next to no chance of integrating them without relying on the controller.
Aha. I just found some manuals online that say the same. Shame.
I might try and take one apart and see if I can work out what chipset it uses in the unlikely event it can be flashed with something useful!
Do you have RTL433? I wonder if it transmits anything readable on 868mhz. Problem then is there is no ability to transmit any instructions to it.
I don’t have RTL433. I had a look and when I saw the price of a dongle I thought better of it!
Any idea how to open them up? Just wondering if it might be possible to flash them with ESP32 or something similar.
I have managed to get the curve thermostats working with the tuya app with the they show app in home assistant.