Custom addon tutorial

I found that addon GitHub - anti-social/inverter2mqtt: Dump inverter sensors into mqtt

Its a usb datalogger for solar inverter and i am not able to install it.I tried to run the “cargo build --release” command with ssh, inside addons folder but not worked.I also tried to add it as repository with github link as addon but i got “not valid: is this a git repository? '”
So my question is how can i install that addon

It’s not an HA addon. It must be executed somewhere else.

When ran, it will publish to MQTT so-called “discovery” topics that HA will pick and auto-create sensors.

I am more confused from your answer than before lol

To keep it simple: If you’re confused by my answer, that tool might be too much to chew for your current knowledge of HA.

Some reading material:

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It is not a HA OS add-on. So you need to run it on another system than HA OS, but it will send the sensors to HA through mqtt.

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Yes, changed my reply already

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So its just an other incomplete github project
Thank you guys

If by “incomplete” you mean “not useable by the average HA user as it is”, indeed.

If you have a spare Pi lying around, just install it.

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To be honest, you have to have a working Rust runtime environment (and some basic rust knowledge) to make it run.
That would need even more outside reading, as it’s not documented by the project itself, but not undoable, ofc.

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That was what i need,thank you very much i am gonna use my old khadas vim (all raspberries i have are on duty)and learn rust basics