Custom Alarm Icon missing on Menu after 87.0 Update


Am I the only one missing the Icon of the Custom Alarm on the left menu, after the latest 0.87.0 Update?

Anyone who knows how to get it back?

Have you checked the breaking change with icons? You need to change it in the custom panel if that’s what’s wrong.

I thought I looked through the breaking changed and didn’t find anything. But I haven’t set any custom icon for my Alarm panel?

What custom alarm do you use? When you set a panel you can set the icon. So either you have or its something in what you are using.
Material design have updated some names on the icons.

Check if your icon is one on the list. Many of the security named icons were changed.

I’ve guessing the icon was security-something? Replace security with shield and you’ll probably be ok.

Sorry for the late reply.
The Alarm I’m using is thisnone:

Will see if I can Locate the icon then.