Custom animated weather card for Lovelace

Animated icons stopped working on IOS 13.4 and Safari 13.1. Also a seperate topic on this on Also an opened issue on github:

Also, i don’t know why i wrote on all these three places about this issue. Guess i am so frustrated on Apple and could do nothing about it :angry:

yes, but note it is a system wide issue, not only in this animated weather card.
And it only started when HA updated to 108.x (not sure of the version) when no update to iOS or Safari was made…

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Hahaha… I was just posting to @tom_l about thinking it’s HA not iOS as well…

But I am using HA 108.8 and currently on IOS 13.3 it works perfectly fine, but not on 13.4. Also, it works on firefox and chrome, but not on Safari 13.1. Though i am only speaking for animated weather card, because i am not using any other animated card…

It doesn’t work in chrome for me. (Latest iOS beta)

It probably is because chrome IOS is still using Safari Webkit on IOS and so is Firefox IOS. If Safari works than chrome IOS will work too automatically. And we should stop communicating same thing on both topics :rofl: Let’s continue on this one…

that’s not a good idea, since it isn’t an animated weather card issue, but a HA generic issue.

Updated from 108.9 to 109.0 and my current temp is now near the top of the card instead of in line with the icon and name as it’s been previous to updating. Anyone else have this issue or is it just me?

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 09.36.54


Mine is a few pixels higher now and doesn’t line up with the bottom of the text next to the icon…


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Yeah I noticed this in the beta of 0.109. I modified my css entries in the card to correct it and you will need to do that for this card as well. I will post my changes in the BOM card thread in a while with my changes.

Just tried 0.109.1 on my wife’s iPhone, 12.4.5 and the icons are working so it seems it is a iOS issue.

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@keithh666 if anyone wants to fix the missing gap for this version (without css knowledge) until the developer fixes it, I just added an empty markdown at the top of it to get the desired gap again:

  - content: ' '
    type: markdown
  - entity: weather.home
    name: Home
    type: 'custom:weather-card'
type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'

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card-mod also works. You can control the alignment better:

      - type: custom:weather-card
          .: |
            ha-card div.current span.icon.bigger {
              width: 8em;
              height: 8em;
              margin-top: -3.5em;
            ha-card div.current span.title {
              font-size: 2.5em;
              top: 1em;
            ha-card div.current span.temp {
              font-size: 3em;
              right: 1.25em;
            ha-card div.forecast.clear.spacer {
             padding-top: 0px;
        entity: weather.home
        name: Home
        icons: '/hacsfiles/weather-card/icons/'
        current: true
        details: false
        forecast: true

Why when i change to darksky i get all Friday


          - type: custom:weather-card
            entity: weather.irohome
            mode: daily

Thanks. BTW, what theme are you using?

Ok, looking at the few recent posts I think I’m not the only one that noticed weather icon and temperature moved to the edge of the card:


It does look weird :wink:

My config below:

entity: weather.warsaw_forecast
icons: /local/community/weather-card/icons/
style: |
  ha-card .day {
    border: none;
type: 'custom:weather-card'
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@EMvdB It’s a custom one. It’s based on a theme I saw on reddit with a few tweaks I added.
I submitted it to HACS yesterday so it will be available there pretty soon I hope :slight_smile:

You can add it as a custom repository in HACS in the meanwhile if you want to start using it before that:

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@Thatkookooguy Much appreciated. Thanks.

@EMvdB Now it’s on HACs :slight_smile:

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I know it was asked before but there was no answer. I would like to have more accurate readings in the card for current conditions, I have separate sensors for temperature, humidity and air pressure. Would anyone point me to the part of the config I need to edit to override these?

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I’ve installed this card which also replaced the icons for another weather card (ha-card-weather-conditions) I was trying and both show animated.

The problem is that when having Lovelace on a Firefox browser on my Mac the CPU usage goes to 100%. I’ve uninstalled the card but the animated icons still remain in the other card which is strange. How do I fully disable this?