Custom Answer to Sentence Trigger (Automation)

Currently, when you create an automation that uses a sentence Trigger like the following, it is detected and executed.

  - platform: conversation
      - Erstelle (ein|einen) [neues] [Home Assistant] Backup


But the Sentence / Voice reply you get is always “Done”, regardless of your language.
At least on my German Instance / Voice Assistant, the reply text is not in German, but spoken with a German Voice.


Getting “Done” in your respective Language would be good, and the current behavior is a Bug in itself. But I think even better would be the ability to define a custom answer per trigger. If no custom answer is given, the standard “Done” (in your respective language) would be used.

  - platform: conversation
      - Erstelle (ein|einen) [neues] [Home Assistant] Backup
    answer: "Backup wird erstellt"

This was implemented a few versions back:

You can now use the “Set conversation response” Action / Service in Automations or Scripts to define a custom answer to a custom sentence trigger.

Assist still doesn’t translate the default “Done” answer, so that would still be nice.