Custom: Audio-Recorder-Card (connect to Rhasspy)

Hi Guys!

Today I would like to precent you to my first self-made home assistant card. Maybe someone has a use for it :wink:
You can use this card to record your voice and send a wav file via http to a server (rhasspy for example). The project has been implemented with a custom card (audio-record-card) and a custom service (recorder_service)

It’s still a beta-version, so some things will not work right. An Android and iOS support will be implemented soon.

Installation and Usage

Sorry I’m new here. So I can’t use more images and links in this post.

Maybe you want to support the project :slight_smile:

Buy Me A Coffee


I cannot add recorder_service: to configuration.yaml, it says service not found

Same error. Did you find the solution?