I have the following card and it works really well. I am trying to add the value of sensor.lux_battery to the name. The below does do that, but I would like to put some text in front of it. I can’t see how to do that.
'[[[ return states["sensor.lux_battery"].state; ]]]'
I see the developer is no longer updating custom button card. Is there a similar card out there I should be using instead?
type: custom:button-card
name: Battery Status
entity: sensor.lux_status_text
icon: mdi:home-battery
- operator: '=='
value: Battery Discharging
icon: mdi:battery-arrow-down
color: red
name: Battery Discharging
- value: Battery Charging
icon: mdi:battery-charging
name: Battery Charging
color: green
- value: Solar + Battery Discharging
icon: mdi:battery-arrow-down
name: Solar + Battery Discharing
color: red
- value: Solar + Battery Charging
icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
name: Solar + Battery Charging
color: green
- value: Standby
icon: mdi:battery-outline
name: '[[[ return states["sensor.lux_battery"].state; ]]]'
color: red
- value: Silent
icon: mdi:battery-unknown
name: Unknown (Silent)
color: Green