goal is, when card icon is clicked, to turn off lights if they are on and turn on lights with a specified color if they are off. it works fine for turning on. but when turn off is called it does not like the extra parameters brightness and xy_color instead of simply ignoring.
trying to figure out how do i not pass the brightness and xy_color parameter when the call is to the service turn_off?
for clarity, {{ lOn }} and {{ lOff }} are both lovelace_gen variables.
thank you.
type: custom:button-card
template: flash-half
isFew: '[[[ return ( states[ "{{ lOn }}" ] !== undefined ? true : false ); ]]]'
entity: {{ lOff }}
action: call-service
service: '[[[ return (entity.state === "on" ? "homeassistant.turn_off" : "homeassistant.turn_on" ); ]]]'
entity_id: '[[[ return (entity.state === "on" && variables.isFew ? "{{ lOn }}" : "{{ lOff }}" ); ]]]'
brightness: '[[[ return (entity.state === "on" ? null : 33 ); ]]]'
xy_color: '[[[ return (entity.state === "on" ? null : "[ 0.673, 0.323 ]" ); ]]]'