Custom Button Card Size in Sections View

I am using the Sections View and trying to setup a custom people card. The card is very large to begin with so I use the transform syntax to reduce the card size. However the area around the card does not scale with it so all the cards have huge padding. :melting_face:
Here is the original:

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 1.48.39 PM

Here is the transformed one:

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 1.46.54 PM

All the black area creates this padding for other cards in the section. I am looking to just shrink the original card by 30-50%.

Here is my code so far:

type: custom:button-card
entity: person.justin
aspect_ratio: 1/1
name: Person
show_entity_picture: true
show_name: false
  action: none
    - transform: scale(0.5)
    - background-color: null
    - border-radius: 5%
    - padding: 0% 5% 0% 0%
    - color: gray
    - font-size: 10px
    - text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black
    - text-transform: capitalize
      - clip-path: circle()
      - width: 100%
      - pointer-events: none
      - display: grid
      - border: 10px solid
      - border-color: '#ff9900'
      - border-radius: 500px
      - opacity: 1
  icon: >
    [[[ return entity === undefined ? null : `<img
    src="${states[entity.entity_id].attributes.entity_picture}" width="100%">`;

Edit1: Ive managed to get closer I think. The card is now the same height as the area around it, but still twice as wide.
Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 1.43.03 PM

I also removed some superfluous code

type: custom:button-card
entity: person.justin
name: Person
width: 50%
show_entity_picture: true
show_name: false
  action: none
    - width: 50%
    - background-color: null
    - padding: 0% 5% 0% 0%
      - clip-path: circle()
      - width: 95%
      - pointer-events: none
      - border: 15px solid
      - border-color: '#df00a9'
      - border-radius: 500px
      - opacity: 1
  icon: >
    [[[ return entity === undefined ? null : `<img
    src="${states[entity.entity_id].attributes.entity_picture}" width="100%">`;

OK, I think I figured out what was going on. This has to do with the type of view I was using from what I can tell. When I use the Masonry or Sections view it has this max-width: --fill-width property in the browser.
To get around this I just use the custom: grid-layout card basically make the entire dashboard a single card using that layout.