Custom Button Card - Template - Pass entity to Style


I leverage the custom button card often. I am specifically trying to set the animation style based upon fan speed. This is easily done when working with a single entity. I however want to build a template so I can apply this to all fans with out having to code out each fan. I am able to get the template completed on everything except for when it depends on pulling an attribute from the entity that its applied too.

Here is my current code:

                - color: rgb(255,255,255)
                - animation: |
                      if (states['fan.brayden_fan'].attributes.percentage == '25')
                        return "rotating 2.5s linear infinite";
                      if (states['fan.brayden_fan'].attributes.percentage == '50')
                        return "rotating 1.5s linear infinite";
                      if (states['fan.brayden_fan'].attributes.percentage == '75')
                        return "rotating .75s linear infinite";
                      return "rotating 0.5s linear infinite";

In that code you will see where it picks up the Percentage of the fan.brayden_fan entity_id. How can I replace that with the entity that it is applied to so that I can use that code in a template.

I hate how one struggles to figure something out - then all of a sudden it hits them… Just in case someone else does the same here is my own answer…

- animation: |
                  if (entity.attributes.percentage == '25')
                    return "rotating 2.5s linear infinite";
                  if (entity.attributes.percentage == '50')
                    return "rotating 1.5s linear infinite";
                  if (entity.attributes.percentage == '75')
                    return "rotating .75s linear infinite";
                  return "rotating 0.5s linear infinite";