Custom Button Card - Toggle Lock Rather Than Open Info

I have 2 Zwave locks that I use the custom:button-card to show the lock status and change colour based on lock’s status. That is all working well.

The issue is when I click the lock, it opens the entity’s history of locked/unlocked. I would rather tap action either lock or unlock depending on it’s current state. Here’s what my code looks like:

- entity: lock.front_door
        type: 'custom:button-card'
        icon: mdi:lock
        size: 50px
           - value: "locked"
             color: green
             icon: mdi:lock
               action: call-service
               service: lock.unlock
                  entity_id: lock.front_door
           - value: "unlocked"
             color: red
             icon: mdi:lock-open-variant
               action: call-service
               service: lock.lock
                  entity_id: lock.front_door

The above config is not generating any errors, but tapping the icon still opens the history rather than calling the associated service.

Thanks for any help.

tap action indentation is wrong

      - entity: lock.front_door
        type: 'custom:button-card'
        icon: mdi:lock
        size: 50px
           - value: "locked"
             color: green
             icon: mdi:lock
               action: call-service
               service: lock.unlock
                  entity_id: lock.front_door
           - value: "unlocked"
             color: red
             icon: mdi:lock-open-variant
          action: call-service
          service: lock.lock
             entity_id: lock.front_door

I also notice that you’re using odd intendation all over the place. Pick a value and stick with it. Makes for easier reading.

Looks like it formatted wrong when I pasted compared to what’s in the yaml. Second tap action is on the same level of the first set. Neither works.

- entity: lock.front_door
  type: 'custom:button-card'
  icon: mdi:lock
  size: 50px
       - value: "locked"
         color: green
         icon: mdi:lock
            action: call-service
            service: lock.unlock
               entity_id: lock.front_door
     - value: "unlocked"
       color: red
       icon: mdi:lock-open-variant
           action: call-service
           service: lock.lock
              entity_id: lock.front_door

Your tap action is indented on value, it’s flat out wrong.

I want separate tap actions based on the lock’s current value. If locked, tap action unlocks. If unlocked. tap action locks.

Then you have to template it. Look at the state level, it does not have tap_action as a valid option for state. I.E. wrong… like i’ve said twice now.

Oh templating, a whole new beast.

Appreciate the guidance, thanks!

  - entity: lock.front_door
    type: 'custom:button-card'
    icon: mdi:lock
    size: 50px
       - value: "locked"
         color: green
         icon: mdi:lock
       - value: "unlocked"
         color: red
         icon: mdi:lock-open-variant
      action: call-service
      service: |
          return (entity.state === 'locked') ? 'lock.unlock' : 'lock.lock';
         entity_id: lock.front_door

Wow. Again, many thanks. I was just trying to write the code myself, but this is much cleaner.

Thank you!!

Hi I am trying to do the same and a search brought me here. I change the code as below but I get an error while tapping the lock
I get a popup Failed to call service [[[

- type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: lock.front_door
      type: 'custom:button-card'
      icon: mdi:lock
      size: 50px
         - value: "locked"
           color: green
           icon: mdi:lock
         - value: "unlocked"
           color: red
           icon: mdi:lock-open-variant
        action: call-service
        service: |
            return (entity.state === 'locked') ? 'lock.unlock' : 'lock.lock';
           entity_id: lock.car_door_lock

I don’t know if you fixed your problem yet. But I see a problem in your code.
Second line you tell entity: lock.front_door and on the last line lock.car_door_lock. I suppose you have a problem there.

BUT, I also tried that code from @petro and get the same error message as you (but use the same entity name in my case).

I seem to get the same error, does this no longer work?

I found that simply using toggle worked without using service. This is what works for me:

  action: toggle
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That works for me too. Thank you!