Custom Button - Entity Picture

Hi Team.

I am trying to create a custom button that changes the entity picture based on the value of the sensor being 100% , 50% and less than 10%

The code below is just not showing or changing the picture. Any ideas what i am doing wrong. I have been able to change other buttons picture when its a simple on or off

type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.group_batteries_all
name: Battery
show_state: false
show_name: false
show_entity_picture: true
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /dashboard-ios/batteries
entity_picture_template: |
  {% if states('sensor.group_batteries_all') | int == 100 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.group_batteries_all') | int < = 50 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.group_batteries_all') | int < 10 %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

That’s not valid. It sshould be “<= 50”

Thanks mate for catching the typo there. i updated the code but its not made any difference the pictures displaying.

Keep in mind the picture will only change (or should) when the state of the group changes

The values of the entity are 100% changing and i can add and remove items from the helper group which makes the values either go up or down.

If i could get it to display a picture that would be a start


Took another look and cobbled this together. This works and displays the correct picture for the state

type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.group_batteries_all
name: Battery
size: 50px
show_state: false
show_name: false
show_entity_picture: true
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /dashboard-ios/batteries
  - value: 100
    operator: "=="
    entity_picture: /local/img/battery-100.png
  - value: 50
    operator: <
    entity_picture: /local/img/battery-50.png
  - value: 10
    operator: <
    entity_picture: /local/img/battery-10.png
        - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
  - value: 5
    operator: <=
    entity_picture: /local/img/battery-empty.png

For the record, entity_picture_template doesn’t exist.
entity_picture supports templates but javascript one.

Wherever you got the original code, don’t trust it anymore…

Bottom-line: Reading the documentation and using your brain make miracles :smiley: