Custom card editor with card picker?

Hi guys

I’m currently working on a custom card with editor but can’t find a easy solution to reuse hui-card-picker from home-assistant core. Apparently there is no schema I can use to feed ha-form with it (via selector). I used this solution to show the official ha-icon-picker from home-assistant. This is what I would like to reuse including multi card support:

Any suggestions how I can achieve this?

A little bit late but like this

(window as any).customCards = (window as any).customCards || [];
(window as any).customCards.push({
  type: CARD_NAME,
  name: CARD_NAME,
  preview: false,
  description: 'Present the data of Formula One in a pretty way',

Thanks for your reply. My question goes a little bit deeper than this. I am able to create the editor card and choose entities and I’ve added many other config options. What I am missing is the capability to add multiple cards like seen in the “Vertical Stack Card Configuration”. So that I can click on the “+” and add as many cards as I want.
My editor card so far is using the
<ha-form> component and I’m just adding the schema to the .schema attribute like:


within the schema I’ve found multiple selectors we can directly reuse to create those editor views (frontend/selector.ts at 28304bb1dcebfddf3ab991e2f9e38f44427fe0f8 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub). But so far I have not found anything related to adding multiple cards. Am I missing something?

Did you find what you were looking for? I have the same problem and in need to nest a different card in my card.

Nope, I sadly didn’t found it yet