Custom card: Freezer Management

Hi all,

Decided to make my wife happy with a new HA card related to our freezer. As we have some small kids, we often cook during the weekend and cook up a batch of bolognese sauce or quite a lot of soup and put these in food containers (e.g. IKEA) and then in our freezer.

But, what do you have in your freezer and when was it put in there? I present you the Freezer Management card:

Yes - I know, we have a lot of Bolognese sauce in our freezer - it was due to the lack of this card :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

The plan is to number each container (Cnt #) and to enter in which freezer compartment (Cmp #) the container was put.

Adding a new food container could not have been easier and is a simple 3 step wizard (contents / container number / compartment in freezer):

And it get’s better: I attached an old phone to our freezer running HA so we don’t forget to add it to HA when adding something new in our freezer or to remove it when eat something,

Behind the scenes it uses an input_select to save the different items. Items are sorted by contents and date added to freezer,

Conclusion: we will be eating Pasta Bolognese next week :rofl: .

If there is some interest, I can cleanup the card a bit and put it on Github.


This looks perfect for me.

I have two 600l freezers in the garage where I store meat, batch cooked meals and all the vegetables grown in the garden. Currently I have no way to maintain an inventory and display what is available.

Please do post it to github and I’ll give it a go.

There is still a small bug - it does not keep the state after a restart ( apparently because of the drop-down of home assistent ). I’ll keep you posted when that is fixed.

Great. Look forward to trying it out.

See GitHub - rdehuyss/homeassistant-lovelace-freezer-management-card: A freezer management card for Home Assistant

I am struggling to set up this card, I did as described on your GitHub.

In the UI i get the following error: