Have you tried show_state? If that doesn’t help share your yaml. If it would be the card, more people should have it
It’s weird… I copied another example, started from scratch and rebuild my config. Now it works. Maybe some hidden spaces/newlines which are not detected by the parser?
Did you ever manage to make the icons bigger? This is the only thing stopping me from rolling room cards out
Nope, sorry…
Try this:
type: custom:room-card
entity: light.woonkamer_lampen
show_icon: true
title: Woonkamer
'--mdc-icon-size': 50px;
I love the look of this card, however my header style is not working. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong…
On the phone the “Master Bedroom” overlaps the icons
type: custom:room-card
title: Master Bedroom
style: |
.card-header {font-size: 20%}
entity: light.bedroom_main_lights
icon: mdi:bed
show_icon: true
action: toggle
Ideally I would like to show like this with temperature separated by a “|” from the humidity. With the contact door and motion sensor justified to the right
font-size: 20%
But it’s better to use px imo
Thanks for the quick reply @marcokreeft87
However doesn’t work I tried different values it seems to adjust the height of the card
type: custom:room-card
title: Master Bedroom
font-size: 5px
entity: light.bedroom_main_lights
Hmm was just a guess. Let me get back to you after work with a working answer
How about this:
'--ha-card-header-font-size': 54px;
Can someone explain how I make the width between cards smaller? This distance here, between two cards. It’s driving me nuts. The CSS doesn’t seem to show anything useful that I can change. I’m using a horizontal masonry layout to hold room card cards with a soft UI theme.
That must be the theme that you are using. Can you share your yaml?
Yes, you’re right. It was in the soft-ui yaml, but it needed to be reloaded before it took effect. Thanks!
That did the trick – this card is awesome. Thanks for your hard work!
Once I complete my room cards I will share the YAML
Hi, is it possible to use a state in the style definition? For example, change this:
styles: |
if (entity.state == 'on') return 'color: rgb(var(--lounge-color))';
with this:
styles: |
if (entity.state == 'on') return "color: {{states('input_text.color_lounge')}}";
I can’t get it to work and I’ve searched everywhere for a working example.
Try states.input_text.color_lounge.state or maybe without the .state on the end
Thanks for your response Marco. Unfortunately neither of those suggestions worked. I’m stumped, having tried
They should all return:
but the icon color isn’t changing.
Without the {{ and }} ?
The way you define the template is gets parsed to javascript. And javascript doesn’t know about jinja templating
Hi, just to close the loop on this. I asked the question about using entities for colours elsewhere and have been warned against it. It’s not easy to do and HA isn’t designed to use it in the way I want to. I’m sticking with using theme variables, which means that I don’t have the issue with the room card any more.
Thanks for the update Matt!