Custom cards require Internet connection, why?

Hi, I was without Internet for half day (the provider had a technical problem), I noticed that all the Lovelace custom cards were not working!!

Why that, is it avoidable?

Some custom cards have externally loaded dependencies that’s why they require internet access.

You could potentionally download these dependencies and store them locally, then change the import statement (often at the top of the .js files) and point it to your locally stored dependencies.

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Bumped into the same issue yesterday, but i’d make a slight change - None of the custom cards worked while i was offline, only native cards.

What custom elements are you using? I lose internet all the time and my custom cards work perfectly.

It turned out that must be a DNS issue, even though I had internal dns set up, my router only forwardes requests to external and waited… I guess I’ll need to check that out first as when i tried to reproduce the issue, nothing worked with internal dns…

BTW just to answer mini-graph-card, weather-card and a few popular ones, only from HACS…