Hi, I am trying to configure a card to do a climate control of a KNX installation.
I want to use a card to turn on, turn off, view zone temperature, change zone temperature, I don’t want to change the climate mode (hot/cold).
I have tried to use a climate card from homeassistant and one from mushroom, but both send the mode when I turn on the thermostat and I don’t want to do that, I just want to turn on and off by pressing the icon.
Focusing on mushroom:
I use a card with the configuration:
type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
entity: climate.floor_salon
icon: mdi:heating-coil
fill_container: true
secondary_info: state
show_temperature_control: true
collapsible_controls: true
layout: horizontal
icon_type: icon
In “secondary_info” it ALWAYS shows me “heat - 19º C” changing only the temperature value, but it always shows me “HEAT” and the Icon is always Red.
In the knx configuration of the entity I have:
- name: "Salon Floor"
on_off_address: "1/0/0".
on_off_state_address: "1/0/1"
temperature_address: "1/2/0/0"
target_temperature_address: "1/0/5" target_temperature_state_address: "1/0/5"
target_temperature_state_address: "1/0/6" target_temperature_state_address: "1/0/6"
min_temp: 16.0
max_temp: 30.0
If in the entity I add:
heat_cool_address: "0/1/2"
heat_cool_state_address: "0/1/3"
The problem is that in the card, when I press the icon to turn on, it turns on correctly, but also sends the mode: heat / cool , I want to send the mode, just turn on and off, but when it turns on in the “secondary info” I should put cool if the current mode is cool or heat if the current mode is heat.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
I can’t find the way to do it.
Thanks for your help.