Custom Component: ABB/Power-One/FIMER PV Inverters - SunSpec Modbus TCP

hi, i am sorry but the 1V is still there, AND 1A and 1W. So this was not the right fix.
it should be 308V, 1.66A right now.

so i changed back from dc1 … to dc. Power and Amps are ok, but DC Voltage is -0.0

How can i see the Modbus registers? so i could try to find the Register with that value showing on the ABB-Site.?

i used qmodmaster now and i can see some registers.

i tried the following registers:
40097 DC Amps (DCA)
40098 DCA_SF
40099 DC Voltage (DCV)
40100 DCV_SF
40101 DC Watts (DCW)
40102 DCW_SF
40103 Cabinet Temperature (TmpCab)
40104 Heat Sink Temperature (TmpSnk)
40105 Transformer Temperature (TmpTrns)
40106 Other Temperature (TmpOt)
40107 Tmp_SF
40108 Operating State (St)

and get this:

the 28 is DCA 2.8A (2.844 !), the 86 must be 860W and the 267 is 26.7 Degree. No Voltage or wrong values.

In, replace lines 23-42 with the following:

so now i changed the with your code:

i found the DC Volt Register!
It is 41124 !

I guess you must change something in…?

Found out that for some inverter models, the DC Voltage is not on model 100 but on model 160 (MPPT extension). Problem is that on many inverters, model 160 starts at offset 122 from base address. For some models instead it jumps 1000, so if base address is 40000, instead of 40122 it starts at 41122.

Problem is that I don’t know how to find this offset programatically. :frowning:

well you could test if it is an abb react2-3.6tl, if so, take the 41124 for pv-voltage.

I am testing your ABB integration on a seperate PC with HA in a container.
That runs, except the DC Voltage sensor.

My main HA installation is Core 2023.1.7 on a different PC.
If i try to install your ABB integration i get a warnung because of HA-Version.
So i installed your version v2.5.0, the warning is gone.
If i go to konfiguration your integration i get an error box:
thats it, can’t do anymore.
Do you have a solution for that error?

I don’t understant what version gives you the problem, last version is v2.6.6. Minimum HA version: 2023.2.0

I don’t have a list of all the inverters requiring that.

This is the problem when using modbus registers directly. I have to switch to JSON using REST API directly with VSN300/VSN700 cards.

because of my HA Version is 2023.1.7 i choosed your version v2.5.0.
Can’t update that HA version until my 2nd. PC is all up2date.
No chance to get this run on HA 2023.1.7?

could you just release one Variant-Version only for React2-3.6TL?
Or show me what to add to get Register 41124?

You can try hacking hacs.json in the component’s folder and change HA requirement. But I don’t guarantee anything if something’s not working.

No, I don’t do a release for one model.

I can’t find hacs.json… :frowning:

maybe you can get some good infos how it is done for sungrow-inverters:

that is not even a custom component. I don’t understand what you want me to check.

i just thought if you might have a look… nothing to check.

is there a way for me to get just this one register 41124 into a sensor?

i am a step further:
I just installed the SunSpec Integration it found 2 Devices! One Phase and 3Phase, even i have only the one phase device.
Under the 1phase device there is also no DC Voltage,
but on the 3phase ist shows the DC Voltage!
Strange, but it works!
See here:

Yes, that’s the model 160 I was mentioning you, that on some models starts at offset 122 (base_address + 122) but on other models it starts at (base_address +1000 + something).

You might want to use the sunspec integration if you really need that sensor, since I will have to find a solution that takes into account all models.

Can someone tell me if with the upgrade to HA 2023.9.0 had issues with the component? Thanks.

It’s working fine here, but some users opened issues on the repo and I wanted to understand better.

Update: v2.6.8 is released - HA 2023.9.1 is now minimum version for this integration.

It has stopped working and complains are about slave ID and base address, despite me not changing them (VSN300 2 and 0). Tried to come back to 2.6.7 - not working. I guess 2023.9.1 is the cause. Restored 2023.8.4 from backup - errors related to read data but I think it’s something wrong with my environment.

v3.0.0 has just been released. Some users reported it working with HA 2023.9.x. Any feedback is appreciated, thank you.