Custom Component: ABB/Power-One/FIMER PV Inverters - SunSpec Modbus TCP

Unfortunately Fimer and ABB don’t provide any public technical info of modbus registries.
Do you know why I can get output using as unit 2,11,13 and so on to 247?

Thanks in advance

I found a lot of documents regarding ModBus for FIMER/ABB/Aurora register map.

But I also contacted tech support of FIMER and talked with the software support people, they’re very nice, and sent me a couple of documents for VSN300 and ModBus map. On my github repository for this component I uploaded the document used to develop this.

I don’t understand the question, you are saying that you can read data with any slave ID?

yes exactly. not any but most of them

really strange, I use the VSN300, and it only answers for unit ID 2, which is my PVI-10.0-OUTD inverter.

I think it’s something related to the VS700 included with the React2 bundle.

when I perform a scan with CAS modbus scanner I can see many device IDs with “good” status.
All those IDs are able to show me the data

That’s not a proper test.

Use QmodMaster, set unit id, and read from registers address 40000 or 40070. Like you did before.

If you read the same info independently of the unit ID, probably with the VS700 there’s some configuration or feature enabled.

same in QmodMaster.

data is not the same if you look at it. try with base addr. 40000.

it’s the VSN700, look at the manual and configuration.

Hi Federico,
does the custom component work with your React 2?

Ciao Claudio,

the custom SunSpec integration from HACS works with REACT2, it provides you information on realtime power consumption/production…but all the batteries part is missing. There are problems too using that integration with the new Energy panel, all the sensors are NOT compatible with the statistics required by the dashboard. You need to template every single sensor to gain the long term statistics needed.

@monkeypr00f @xunil79

Federico, Claudio: I decided to update my component, to make it compatible with the new requirements for the Energy integration.

I was also looking at the differences between the monophase and 3-phase inverters: basically the register addresses are the same, but the monophase has less data, because it’s only the data for 1 phase, while the values for the 3-phase has data (current, voltage, etc.) for each phase. So, to make it simple, I think I don’t have to adapt the read function to the monophase. But I need to test it on a monophase inverter…

I also introduced in the initial configuration process of the component the base_address, which in your case we discovered is 40000, it is the start address of the register map. For my VSN300 datalogger it’s 0. Making it configurable will allow anybody to configure it for their specific datalogger/inverter.

Tomorrow I should have a beta version to test, can I ask your help in testing it? If it works also for you, I will release v2.0 of the component.



Alessandro that sounds awesome! I’ll give you all the support may be useful to land this project!

We’ll make it work…it’s just a matter of perseverance. :wink:

Unfortunately I can’t test it myself on a monophase inverter, so I will need your help…

For the batteries, in the register maps documentation I have, there’s no mention of registers for those.

I’ll open a ticket to Fimer support to know the modbus key for the batteries.
Meanwhile no problem for the test on my inverter with the beta release. Just let me know when you’re ready.

If you open the ticket, ask for the VSN700 sunspec register map, that’s the data logger you have with the REACT, if I understood correctly. Also ask if the register map contains the registers for the battery system values.

I’ll let you know once the first beta is ready to test.

That’s an amazing news. I’m available for testing it.
Thanks in advance

That’s the same issue I have. No batteries info and in the Energy panel no sensors :frowning:

@monkeypr00f @xunil79 Federico, Claudio, I’m almost ready. I developed support for monophase inverters. There’s only one minor problem: since the monophase inverter has 3-4 different registers and a lot of the 3-phase registers don’t apply to monophase, you would have a list of sensors for your inverter device with status “unavailable”. So only the ones relevant for your inverter (90% of them) would be initialized with correct values, the rest will have status “unavailable”, and I don’t really like that.

I’m thinking about a solution that doesn’t require to redesign and rewrite the component. Meanwhile, you can simply ignore those unavailable sensors.

You can now test the beta1 version. In order to do this, when you install it in HACS, click on “Show Beta Versions” and select last beta, which is the one I’m developing right now.


Make sure you configure the new base address configuration option: based on what you showed me during our first conversation, the base address for the VSN700 datalogger is 40000.



The battery information is not available in the register map documentation I have. So I cannot do anything about that. For the Energy Integration: beta1 has support for that, test it.

Ciao Alex, just retrieved the SunSpec from Fimer!