Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors

Just a quick question. Is it possible to change the color of the builtin icons? Standard is like a greyish black, but they are invisible in my dark background. I don’t mean the default MDI icons, but the ones that come with the integration.
Or is it possible maybe to change these icons to the nice colorful ones you have in your preview? I read that cure changed these. But I have found them in .PNG format. And I can’t seem to get them in there.

The built in icons are only available in black. I haven’t found a way to change them dynamically. If your waste collector sends icons with their api you can use those, but most of the collectors don’t.

You can use your own icons with the HA ‘Customizing entities’.

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Thanks for your quick reply. I had tried using the customizing entities, but could not get that to work.
Now upon closer inspection, I never called my customize.yaml in the first place, so everything in there did nothing.
To think it was that easy.

Since some weeks there is something wrong with the messages.
On saturday I get a message that tomorrow the trash get collected.
Also I get on fridays the message that the paper and cardboard collection on saturday but that should me only the first saturday of the month.

This is my configuration.

- platform: afvalwijzer
  provider: mijnafvalwijzer
  zipcode: '1111xx' (for privacy reason not the real value)
  housenumber: '11' (for privacy reason not the real value)

- alias: trash_send_notification
  initial_state: true
    platform: time_pattern
    minutes: '/30'
    seconds: 00
    condition: and
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.trash_moved
        state: 'off'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.trash_reminder
        state: 'on'
      - condition: time
        after: '18:30:00'
        before: '23:00:00'
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.trash_tomorrow') != 'Geen' }}"
    - service: notify.telegram
        message: 'Het is vandaag - {{ now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y") }}. Afvaltype(n): {{ states.sensor.trash_tomorrow.state }} wordt opgehaald op: {{ (as_timestamp(now()) + (24*3600)) | timestamp_custom("%d-%m-%Y", True) }}!'
            - "Ja:/welklaargezet, Nee:/nietklaargezet"              

Since a few days Afvalbeheer stopped working for me. I am using it with reycleapp

i do have the following in my setup, which went ok till a few days.

  • platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: recycleapp
    - restafval
    - groente-, fruit-, en tuinafval
    - papier
    - pmd
    postcode: 0000
    streetname: XXXXXXXXX
    streetnumber: 00
    upcomingsensor: 0
    dateformat: ‘%d %b’
    dateonly: 1
    name: “”
    nameprefix: 1
    printwastetypes: 1
    builtinicons: 0
    dutch: 0

the print waste types do not show any entries anymore.
i have seen a few updates on Afvalbeheer which i updated. I downgraded again. No difference.

Can it be recycleapp got changed itself causing it not to work anymore?

You should be on v4.6.6
Can you please reboot HA after installing the latest version?

If that doesn’t work, can you look in the logs for any errors?
Do you have an address (close to you) for me to test with?

i am on the latest version.
send you address information in PM.

error in log

2020-09-24 09:50:39 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.afvalbeheer.sensor] Invalid response from server for collection data

im having trouble to with the recycleapp (from belgium to)

2020-09-25 17:04:40 ERROR (SyncWorker_22) [custom_components.afvalbeheer.sensor] Invalid response from server for postcode_id

Same problem here, but most likely due to the site ( going bonkers …
Some (overly self-confident ?) IT-ers seem to still deny the value of testing :frowning:

Hi Pippyn,

First of all, I would really like to thank you for the awesome integration that you’ve made.
Also thank you for including the belgian version. :wink:

Your integration has stopped working probably with one of the latest updates I’ve received.

Below are the different logs I am receiving:

Logger: custom_components.afvalbeheer.sensor
Source: custom_components/afvalbeheer/
Integration: afvalbeheer (documentation)
First occurred: 12:10:38 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:10:38

Invalid response from server for street_id

Logger: custom_components.afvalbeheer.sensor
Source: custom_components/afvalbeheer/
Integration: afvalbeheer (documentation)
First occurred: 11:07:46 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:07:46

Invalid response from server for postcode_id

So it is these 2 problems that are popping up every ± 1 hour.

Kind greetings


Seems like is indeed not working properly. The problem will be on their side.

Edit 2:

Already sent a mail towards [email protected]

Good morning! I love this component. Great work guys. I got a question about the entity_pictures. This morning I saw there was an image missing. This is the Takken-image. I also saw I am missing the Kerstbomen image. I can make these images myself but they will look different from those of @Mariusthvdb. I like that style.

@Mariusthvdb Can I find the takken and kerstbomen images somewhere?

Hi, when I first looked for them I simply scraped the providers website. We don’t have that trash type locally, so maybe try your own?

Or otherwise: GIYBF :wink:

Westvoort shows this:

maar voor zover ik heb kunnen vinden geen afzonderlijke plaatjes

maar deze is wel aardig:

sorry, no signal images unfortunately, though this one is quite alright:



Thanks! Found them!

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Nice, please share here?

where from can I add these beautiful icons?

takken kerstbomen

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What do you mean? Where you can find these icons online?

yes can I download this anywhere ?

I think you can find most of the icons above. See the post of jan '19.